Finzeu Wanderer

Finzeu was a young boy with visions of grandeur. He made a name for himself by thwarting the plans of the Scrutan Order to rescue other children like himself who had been kidnapped for Zarthilx's sacrifice. However, as more and more children began following him, his ego became inflated. To make matters worse, he was plagued by visions after pricking his finger on a thorny tree one wintry evening—visions of a great and terrible tree that would free him and all his followers from their life scrambling for survival. The visions turned out to originate from Palavokva, the Noxious, and Finzeu, driven mad, was transformed into a Palavian Lich in service to the Unknowables. He was defeated during the Reckoning, though it is in his nature as a lich to return... yet it doesn't seem as though he has, yet.


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