Flametail Butterfly

These black, red, and yellow butterflies are as beautiful as they are deadly. If killed the butterflies explode killing their attacker. Butterflies seem to be able explode at will but only do so when threatened. If challenged with an annoyance these butterflies may use their acidic droppings to their advantage. Wings must be harvested from deceased butterflies after a full life. Making these a rare artifact. Wings can be used for fire and explosive magic. Butterflies live in the wild or are raised by humans. These creatures will bond with their human, sometimes chosing to ride around on their chosen human. Flametails have been known to guard other butterflies. Ranchers are able to keep Flametails near by either bonding with them or giving them other butterflies to guard and bond with.
Flametails are only rasied by ranchers in the town of Alaicost. THe butterflies roam free in the country of Zukei.

Basic Information

Dietary Needs and Habits

Both caterpiller and butterfly are vegatarians.

Biological Cycle

These creatures start out as eggs on their host plant. They hatch into caterpillers and consume the host plant. Once they have reached maturatly they leave the host plant to find a suitible spot to form a Chrysalis. They will stay in the Chrysalis for a month. After this time they emerge. Adult Flametails will seek out food and a mate.


These butterflies have a very protective and fierce nature. In nature they sometimes collect and travel with other butterflies keeping them safe. When domesticated they may select a particular human to follow around.
Flametails will fly above enemies and release their acidic scat upon predators. The bright red in their wings are easy recognizable as a warning to predators. Predators will not find a tasty snack here only a mouth full of fire if they survive the encounter. Flametails will bond with humans. Often they will follow favorite humans from place to place. Or they may ride upon chosen humans.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Wings harvested after death can be made into amulets for fire spells
Butterfly scat is acidic and can be collected amd made into an acid
Scientific Name
Ignis Alas
Conservation Status
Flametail butterflies
Geographic Distribution


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