Alaicost (AH-LAY-COST)

The town of Alaicost, controlled by House Kilmartin, is known for its focus on raising Flametail Butterflies. They raise these creatures and use them in crafting various goods to trade.
The wings can be used to craft amulets that allow the user to create flames. The scat can be used to create one of the most powerful acids in the world. Laws are strictly enforced here to protect the butterflies. They are very suspicious of outsiders, whom they see as most likely to break these laws, save those few who come from Zukei as the Zukein people are renowned for their appreciation of nature.
Trade secrets are to be protected at all costs.
Exile is not uncommon. The town is run by a Merchant council composed of butterfly ranchers, amulet crafters, and acid brewers, with the Duke of Alaicost presiding over the council.
Ranches are wide plots of land on the outskirts of town. Crafters are in the center of town. Inns for travelers are on the edge and near the local market.
The town has large gardens to assure any visiting butterflies are comfortable. It is very beautiful. There are shrines to the goddess Sidara, she is widely worshipped.
Large town
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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