Mirshara von Lamalet

Mirhsara is a young, half-elven girl. She and her siblings Peteovar and Emedyr were victims of Zarthilx rescued by Chaos Legion. After being saved, they were adopted by Anca and Adalius. Following Anca's imprisonment by Amagi, Adalius appealed to Erindre for the power to free Mirshara's adopted moth, and so Adalius, Mirshara, and her siblings were granted the power of vampirism. After Anca was freed, everyone relinquished this power back to Erindre... except Mirshara. She held onto it, much to the dismay of her father and brothers. This in turn resulted in a downward mental spiral as she succumbed further and further into the madness brought about by the defiance of mortality.

Mirshara aided the Frostflower Travelers and their allies during the Reckoning, but over the course of this process came into possession of two of the eyes of Zarthilx, one of which she ripped from the head of Cafley Youngshout at the conclusion of the final battle of the Reckoning. She sought out the other eyes from Cafley, but was confront by her brother Emedyr von Lamalet, whom she killed in the scuffle. She has not be seen since. Those who do not know of her vampirism would presume her dead.

Neutral Evil
Current Status
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
Urbai 16th, 36 PR
Year of Birth
36 PR 338 Years old
golden, long
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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