Gems Discovered in Elzveir

Discovery, Exploration


A small spelunking branch from the Red Hornet Brigade discovers gemstones in the Unconquered North and brings a fortune's-worth back to their guild of thieves and mercenaries, only for word to escape the guild and spread like wildfire, sparking renewed interest in conquering the northlands of Elzveir.

In the year 142, a group of spelunkers who had sneaked into the Unconquered North hoping to discover valuable artifacts instead discovered something of a great deal more value: a wealth of diamonds and sapphires in the mountain range that would one day become the Spine of Aldur. They took all that they could and returned to their guild--The Red Hornet Brigade--with the wealth they had acquired. Unfortunately, word got out regarding the origin of the gemstones, leading to renewed interest in the conquest of the northlands.

Related Location
Spine of Aldur
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Conquering of the North (article)
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