The Conquering of the North

  • 142 AR

    13 Kusarra

    Gems Discovered in Elzveir
    Discovery, Exploration

    A small spelunking branch from the Red Hornet Brigade discovers gemstones in the Unconquered North and brings a fortune's-worth back to their guild of thieves and mercenaries, only for word to escape the guild and spread like wildfire, sparking renewed interest in conquering the northlands of Elzveir.

    Spine of Aldur
  • 142 AR

    7 Orlin
    146 AR

    12 Daith

    Resistance of the North
    Military: War

    The Resistance of the North refers to the first period of global war with the northlanders. In a race to seize the riches that lay beneath the surfaces of the snowfield, many nations--Elzveiran and otherwise--came to battle against the so-called primitive gaians. Despite their smaller numbers and lesser technologies, the gaian people were successful in beating back the advances of their enemies, until, one by one, the nations gave up in their attempts and agreed to leave the gaian people alone... for a time.

  • 151 AR

    2 Kier
    151 AR

    8 Orlin

    Mirnov and Karina Gather Forces
    Military action

    Prince Mirnov Basaran and Princess Karina Basaran join forces and agree that they will, together, conquer the Elzveiran Northlands. They took a different approach than previous candidates had, with Mirnov using his naval experience and Karina seeking out mercenary crews in the snowy wastes of Degera, who would be better equipped for wintry battle than Fainarran soldiers were.

  • 151 AR

    18 Tek
    161 AR

    27 Ruadd

    The Slow War
    Military: War

    The Slow War refers to a nearly decade-long war between the forces of Mirnov and Karina and the forces of the Unconquered North. By 159, most tribes had been eliminated, with the rest either bending their knee to Mirnov and Karina or exiling themselves from the land. The later months of the war were spent picking off remnant rebels.

  • 161 AR

    18 Kier

    Family Tensions Arise
    Life, Relationship change

    The other Basaran siblings began to expect that they would get a cut of the Northland from Mirnov and Karina, but the rebellious siblings had other plans, intending to keep it all for themselves as their own kingdom. This led to Fainarr's first civial war in history.

  • 162 AR

    16 Kier

    Buern Becomes a Principality

    Frustrated by his failure to claim the northlands from his younger siblings, King Hafiz Basaran II moved to tighten his grip on what territories of Elzveir he did hold claim to by appointing his second-born son Batikan Basaran as the Sovereign Prince of Buern, turning Buern into the Principality of Buern rather than keeping it as a Vicekingdom as it had been for nearly two centuries. This unseated Viceroy Atan Drakechild, but Hafiz sought to make Atan whole by allowing him to be a duke.

  • 162 AR

    6 Orlin

    Sibling Treatise
    Diplomatic action

    Tired of appearing to be a fool, King Hafiz Basaran II chose to seek a treaty of peace with his siblings Karina Basaran and Mirnov Basaran. For the first time in over a decade, all five of the children of King Hafiz Basaran convened in a council hall, within the walls of Ejherhaliin.

  • 162 AR

    30 Tek 17:00
    163 AR

    1 Daith 02:00

    Betrayal of Mirnov Basaran
    Life, Death

    Karina and Mirnov, despite being brother and sister, wed one another to become King and Queen of Aldurstein. Karina, however, killed her brother during the consummation of their marriage and went on to wed Fadal Northrison, her general who had joined her side during the beginning of the conflict with the northlanders. Rather than make him king, Karina made Fadal her Prince Consort and established Aldurstein as a Queendom.



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