Betrayal of Mirnov Basaran

Life, Death

30/10 17:00
1/1 2:00

Karina and Mirnov, despite being brother and sister, wed one another to become King and Queen of Aldurstein. Karina, however, killed her brother during the consummation of their marriage and went on to wed Fadal Northrison, her general who had joined her side during the beginning of the conflict with the northlanders. Rather than make him king, Karina made Fadal her Prince Consort and established Aldurstein as a Queendom.

In a display of abhorrent irreverence, Mirnov Basaran and Karina Basaran wed one another as brother and sister, with the claim that it would "strengthen their bond" as they sought to lead the new Kingdom of Aldurstein together. However, amidst the consummation of their marriage, Karina killed her brother Mirnov. She made no effort to hide this fact and went on to wed Fadal Northrison, her military general who had been by her side from the beginning of the conflict with the northlanders.   Karina made Fadal her Prince Consort rather than her king, and this would become a tradition for Aldurstein, which was henceforth referred to as a Queendom. Her firstborn child was a boy, and also the product of her night with her brother during which she slew him. The cursed, disfigured boy was outcast from society and made a duke. It was Karina's daughter who inherited the throne of Aldurstein, instead, and her daughter after the fact, each taking on a Prince or Princess Consort.

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