The Aerial War

Military: War


King Leonov led his war with Fainarr for just over two years. While other nations across the world despised the actions of King Leonov, there was a great deal of in-fighting among various councils regarding who they should side with. Much of this battle took place in the sky, between the Skyspear (Fainarr's order of Dragon Riders) and the Wyvern Lords (Miliim's order of Dragon Riders). Many dragons and their riders were slain during this war. It finally came to an end when the nations of Elzveir reached an agreement and sought a Peace Summit with Miliim and Fainarr.

While most nations in Aen despised Fainarr and would have liked to see them wiped off the face of the earth, many leaders condemned the murderous actions of King Leonov that initiated Leonov's War. The Northport Inferno was a topic of debate among other leaders for many years. The consensus, ultimately, was that while Leonov's initiation of the war was a sound strategy, they could not rightfully allow his deed to go unpunished, particularly as the civilian casualties on both the Miliir and Fainarran sides have increased dramatically the longer the war has gone on, with both sides being careless toward the other.   Much of the battle took place in the sky, earning it the title "The Aerial War", as both Miliim and Fainarr were home to powerful dragon riders. Miliim's riders, the Wyvern Lords, were highly trained and skilled while Fainarr's dragon riders, the Skyspear, had the ancient power of their long-lived dragons on their side. This led to intense battles, pitting combat prowess against raw power in the skies above Elzveir. For decades to come, the corpses of the powerful dragons who fell in the northwest would sink into the earth of the lands, their parts harvested or their corpses turned into homes for all manner of creatures.   At last, roughly two years after the war had begun, Elzveir's nations called a summit for Fainarr and Miliim to discuss peace, with their own proposal of terms. To reject the summit would be to declare oneself at war with the other nations, forcing them to choose a side--save Zukei, which, of course, declined any request for involvement in these continental politics.

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