Kingdom of Fainarr Organization in Aen | World Anvil

Kingdom of Fainarr (FANE-AR)

A kingdom born of conquest long before The Reckoning. Centuries prior to the return of the Unknowables, the First King of Fainarr arrived in Aduna with a small personal army, which he used to conquer the native people of Aduna's eastern lands. From there, he grew his control rapidly. By the time the Reckoning occurred, Fainarr ruled over the entirety of the wasteland Aduna had become.


Since then, Fainarr has set its sights on other continents, most notably Elzveir. By 301 AR, Fainarr has established three principalities there: Buern, Rossade, and Vaernebo. They have also gained significant control over the region of Miliim following the establishment of the federation after Leonov's War.


Fainarr is currently ruled by King Celik Basaran III.


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