Negotiation Summit and Establishment of Kathaya


6/10 10:00
9/10 16:00

The new King of Buern, Xander Woodwillow, met at a summit with King Ridvan in Beldapor to negotiate peace. Much was surrendered to ensure this peace, and result was Buern being split into two nations: Buern, a Fainarran territory, and Kathaya, ruled by King Xander Woodwillow. Ridvan would then choose a new ruler for Buern, whom Xander's daughter Mariella would wed to ensure the strength of their alliance.

The new King of Buern, Xander Woodwillow, sought immediately to negotiate peace with King Ridvan once power was given to him. They convened at a summit in Beldapor. King Xander wanted an end to the conflict immediately and was willing to give Ridvan nearly anything to make that happen, as Xander had never been much of a military-minded man, nor did he wish to become one. He was old and had lived in peace for much of his life, with no desire to see his final days plagued with conflict.   Ridvan asked for a great deal in exchange for this. He wanted every city south of the channel that separated Elzveir's northern and southern halves to become Fainarran territory. He would then appoint his own ruler for the remaining nation of Buern. Xander Woodwillow, then, could keep the cities north of the waters as a new nation, which would be named Kathaya. Anyone who in the southern cities who did not wish to be part of a Fainarran territory would be given 30 days to defect to the new nation of Kathaya.   To secure the alliance of Kathaya and Buern, Xander's daughter Mariella would marry the new ruler of Buern chosen by Ridvan. Additionally, Prismatism would become the dominant religion of Kathaya as part of this peace agreement.

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