Aen Morda Encounters Chaos Legion

Morda Encounters Chaos Legion

Life, Relationship change


In 23 PR, Chaos Legion was traveling through Mania as a means of escape from their pursuer, Zarthilx and his Scrutan Order. During this detour, they found themselves in the same pocket of Mania that had become Morda's prison. The near-mindless Morda allowed them to leave prison unharmed after Joggor promised to tell Morda's story--albeit with significant embellishments in Morda's favor--to the rest of the world.

In 23 PR, Chaos Legion was traveling through Mania as a means of escape from their pursuer, Zarthilx and his Scrutan Order. During this detour, they found themselves in the same pocket of Mania that had become Morda's prison, which they found a means of entering after being tricked by telepathic messages from the charybdis. Once inside, they found a weakened, isolated, tragically insane leviathan. Joggor promised that if Morda let them go, he would tell the tale of Morda and his impressive nature to the rest of the world. Morda, successfully persuaded by the dwarf, allowed them to leave his domain and proceed on their path.

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