Triquiis Fenwyn

Dr. Triquiis 'Triq' Fenwyn was a gnomish woman who studied under Dr. Rayfield Smit with the Echelon Consort in Fainarr before absconding with various research notes to Caldtown. Using the notes, she conducted experiments on herself in an effort to improve her odds of surviving the violent pursuits of the echelon's members. These experiments resulted in a horrifying mutation that caused her to transform into a violent, uncontrollable Twilit Ursul. She would revert back after a time, but any strong emotions felt resulted in a transformation that only ended when the rampage concluded, resulting in her killing numerous innocents throughout Aduna. Triq, unable to cure herself, sought out the aid of another refugee from the Echelon Consort: Dr. Muunc Reppex in Masca. This led to her meeting Chaos Legion and assisting them with taking down Filch Vanatore. She traveled with Chaos Legion from then onward, as they could aid her in gathering the materials she would need to create an antidote for her mutation according to Muunc.

Triq went on to dismantle the Echelon Consort in Fainarr's capital city and even defeat Zarthilx. While she never fully cured her mutation, she was able to minimize its effects on her and gain better control over the transformation, allowing her to advance her studies in other areas. After Muunc's death, she carried on his legacy by continuing work on the railroad in Aduna, as well as inventing the first Steeljoint, which would later come to be referred to as the Zelian Model.

At some point following the initiation of the Age of Withering, Triq vanished without a trace, leaving behind her steeljoint model Wetzel to seek her out. The adventure led to Triq being located in another reality entirely having been pulled through a Rift by the Forgotten. She had, during this time, assisted Adam Beyers with his own quest while in an alternate reality.

Dr. Fenwyn, upon being rescued by Wetzel and the other Frostflower Travelers, joined up with Bheldrak Vanatore, V'Raj Eladrin, and Kegginston Cogglesworth in Fjern while they sought to stop Adalius von Lamalet and the other Pale Faces. While in Fjern, she witnessed the arrival of Cor'Athvaarn and joined up with the crews seeking to stop the Coming End. She proved vital in the success of this endeavor, but died during the final battle of the Reckoning during the conflict with Cafley Youngshout, torn apart by the horde of infested grozavar.

Current Status
Current Location
Date of Birth
Ruadd 5th, 62 PR
Date of Death
Ruadd 30th, 0 AR
62 PR 0 PR 62 years old
Circumstances of Death
Eaten and infested by the grozavar horde during the final battle of the Reckoning.
Place of Death
Aligned Organization


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