The Slow War

Military: War


The Slow War refers to a nearly decade-long war between the forces of Mirnov and Karina and the forces of the Unconquered North. By 159, most tribes had been eliminated, with the rest either bending their knee to Mirnov and Karina or exiling themselves from the land. The later months of the war were spent picking off remnant rebels.

For nearly a decade, Prince Mirnov and Princess Karina led a slow campaign from the eastern shore of the Unconquered North to its westernmost edge, claiming territories one by one and forcing the populace to die, flee, or kneel. Kongr Akiir Roydrson was valiant in his efforts against them but ultimately fell to Karina's blade in the year 157, which granted power over the Kongrikelm of the North to his son, Halvren Akiirson. Halvren would be killed by Karina amidst his long quest for vengeance against her, and no one would succeed him as Kongr of the North.   This battle was made easier by Fadal Northrison, a hersir in the eastern region, who readily betrayed his people and joined up with Karina and her mercenaries in exchange for the promise that he would be made a duke once the battle was done. Little did he know that he would eventually be given the even better title of Prince Consort.

Related Location
Unconquered North
Related timelines & articles
Conquering of the North (article)
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