Prismatism Becomes the National Religion of Fainarr

Religious event


To the surprise (and in some cases, anger) of Fainarr's populace, King Ridvan declared that Revansa was now the official Prime Deity of Fainarr and established the Prismatism. He appointed Erna Sozen as head of the new church, granting her the title of Draconic Matriarch. Over the course of the next month, statues of dragons were created and erected throughout Fainarr, and the banner of Fainarr was changed to that of a dragon. Everywhere that anyone in the city looked, draconic iconography was seen where once there had been homages to the strength of Fainarr's human population.

King Ridvan Basaran was true to his word. As Sullivar and Revansa had been assured, he made worship of Revansa public in Fainarr, stopping just shy of mandating worship of the Dragon Mother. Within a month, Fainarr was nearly unrecognizable. The Technicolor Chapel was raised quickly, as were many statues of Revansa and her draconic children. The banner of Fainarr was changed, old statues were torn down and replaced, even the mastheads of Fainarran ships were replaced with fresh draconic carvings. Armor was updated to include the new emblem of the dragon-worshipping kingdom.   King Ridvan appointed an eager young woman, Erna Sozen, as the head of his new religion, dubbed Prismatism. Erna was given the title Draconic Matriarch, an honorific bearing semblance to the name and role of Dragon Mother herself. Erna aided in efforts to increase adoption of Prismatitism throughout Fainarr, using her soft-spoken yet assertive nature to encourage more people to accept this as Fainarr's new direction and identity.   The abrupt change in Ridvan and in Fainarr's religious ideology prompted concern from Buern and its allies, as they began to suspect that this shift had come from some manner of vile boon between Revansa and Ridvan.

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