
(a.k.a. Burning Goddess, Dragon Mother, Calamitous Queen)

The dragon goddess of vengeance and destruction, Revansa is the only deity who survived the Reckoning. She has been imprisoned for well over a thousand years, despite attempts on the part of the Dragon Cult to free her. However, with each passing year, she grows closer to escaping and unleashing promised devastation upon Prime, leaving behind naught but fire and ash. Her archrival was once her brother Dragoste, but after his defeat, her ire turned to the dragon god's successor, Behldarrak. The two have been embroiled in an eternal war since Behldarrak's ascension, which serves to benefit Revansa given her dominion over vengeance and war. Worship of Revansa was largely reserved for those from Grozav prior to The Reckoning, after which King Ridvan Basaran made Prismatism the official religion of Fainarr and all nations under it. The swath of successful Fainarran conquests since, such as the conquering of Buern, have largely been attributed to the devout worship of Revansa among the Fainarran populace.


Divine Form




Holy Places

Magma Encasement


The Jutted Fang


Iridian Altar


Church of the Prism Moon


Divine Domains

Calamity, Chaos, Conflict, Destruction, and Vengeance

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A red dragon's claw wreathed in a twisting multicolored flame.

Tenets of Faith

  • Vengeance is paramount
  • Others are but a means to an end
  • Only the conqueror is worthy of reverence


Eve of Eruption. This is the only known hallowday of Revansa. Taking place on Helki 3rd, Eve of Eruption is regarded as a destructive, vile practice. On this day, followers of Revansa who can make the journey venture to the Snout of Revansa, a volcano within the Divine Reach which borders Buern and Cyfrolaef. The aim of this group of worshipers is to reach the top of the volcano and perform a ritual that will cause the volcano to become violently active once again, spewing lava and debris that will (according to their beliefs) cause such vast destruction that Revansa will be restored to her full strength, allowing her to free herself. While the ritual has yet to be successful, some historic attempts have seen the volcano react on a small scale, meaning that there is a threat the ritual may see success someday.

Divine Classification
Greater Deity


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