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Callie Bigheart

Callie Bigheart is a prime adult aged female halfling. She is quite diminutive and scrawny but strong, and has aqua eyes with pale skin. The most notable physical trait of Callie is that she has an exceptionally pale face.   Callie is a habitual liar. She is blame-prone. When she is relaxed, she is uninterested. In moments of stress, she becomes spiteful. Religion-wise, Callie is an open-minded seeker of Tempus.   Despite sexism against her, Callie has recently had mild success as a blacksmith, with a background of being a commoner. She belongs to the commoner social class.   Callie currently has 34 cp and 4 sp in her pockets, and 4 Silver 3 Copper to her name. She lives on Aeva's Plaza. Callie knows Common and Halfling. She bisexual , and has a husband, Jasper Honeypot.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Life

I was born at home, and was raised by my single father as an only child. I had a wealthy upbringing in a rundown shack. I had a few close friends, and my childhood was a relatively normal one.

Becoming a blacksmith

"I was born into a lowly family, and that's where I'll likely stay. I was an apprentice, and my old master bitterly despised me because my father married his love. I worked so hard to perfect my craft to impress him thinking that the issue was with me, and then the bastard had a heart attack. Left everything to her. What's my mum gonna do with a smithy?! I was swindled out of a large inheritance, and had to go into hiding to keep my family safe. The rich need to be shown what life and death are like in the gutters."

Life Events

Well, I certainly have a tale or two...This one time I once saw a powerful wizard casting a very powerful healing spell. I'm afraid that's all that would impress the likes of you.
Current Location
Ruled Locations

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