
Our campaign will take place on Aenides. Aenides is fairly standard fantasy with the standard set of races and a technological level that is pre-firearm. I’ll flesh out the history and culture as we go.   The action will take place on two continents. The first continent is Enirsgard which is where some of you are from. For the last 250 years or so, Enirsgard has been under the control of an ancient red dragon named Enireth the Annihilation. Enireth rules with an iron claw and sees all of the lower races as slaves to his whim. He is believed to be the most powerful dragon which has ever lived and is so powerful that other dragons serve him. His two main lieutenants are Josoim the Diseased – an adult green dragon who delights in deception, trickery and sabotage – and Grylbiss the Night-Bringer – an adult black dragon who seeks domination and destruction. The primary underlings of these three great dragons are dragonkin – particularly chromatic dragonborn and half-dragons. These underlings rule the cities, towns and regions of Enirsgard harshly with their prime goal to please the three great dragons no matter the cost to the general populace. They are vicious, cruel and constantly attempting to rise higher in the hierarchy. Back-stabbing and assassinations are common.   Two important events have happened prior to the campaign. The first is the discovery of a second continent on the planet about five years ago. This continent has been named Highglass and is rich in minerals and other natural resources, gold, and gems. Enireth has laid claim to this continent and dispatched Grylbiss to rule over it. This has put the dragons at war with the civilisations which already existed on Highglass, civilisations for which the average citizen of Enirsgard doesn’t know much. What you do know is that Enireth has been sending more and more citizens to the frontline in Highglass and those left behind have been subject to an increasingly harder yoke than ever to make up the deficits in food, taxes and arms.   The second event grows out of the first. Several prominent humans, elves and dwarves saw the war in Highglass as an opportunity to stage a rebellion in an attempt to overthrow Enireth. They amassed an army of the lower races and met Enireth’s dragonkin army at the Penryth Fields. The rebel army was under the joint command but its most celebrated general was a human named Goodlaw, who commanded the right flank. The battle started well for the rebels until Goodlaw, who was really Josoim in disguise, turned the right flank into the rebel forces. With the rebel army in disarray and the dragonkin army beginning to outflank them, the rebel generals sounded a general retreat. Which, unfortunately, sent the rebel army back into Enireth who appeared behind the lines closing the trap Josoim had set. Enireth obliterated the rebel army from the air crushing the rebellion.   Our campaign will start in the aftermath of the Battle of Penryth Fields