Gods of Neothis
The deceased gods
Zeun - N - The Dead God
Xera (now Xith) - N - The Ever Living Mother
Xith - LE - Goddess of Undeath, Disease and Perversion
The god siblings1- Aleph - LN - God of Magic and creation
2- Betra - LE - God of War, Vengeance, and Subjugation: The Burning Blade
3- Gammeth - N - Goddess of Nature, Balance & Harmony
4- Deltria - LG - Goddess of War, Strategy and Honor: The Bold Shield
5- Epsa - CN - Godd(ess) of shadows, secrets and mysteries: The Shadow God(dess), The Unknown God(des))
6- Zichmet - CE - God of guilt, lies and suffering; The worm in the apple
7- Yustia - LG - Goddess of Peace, Law and Civilization: Lady of the Scales
8- Tharwa - CN - Lady Luck, Mistress of Fortune, The Green Eyed
9- Ioanna - CG - Goddess of water, lakes and seas; Her Lady of the Lake, Blesser of Life
10 - Kappa -
11- Lamda
12- Mistra - CG - a fae deity, queen of starlight,
13 - Ni
14- Ksi
15 - Onnos - C - God of Wine, Pleasure and Art
16 - Pasin - G - God of Peace, Harmony and Prosperity: Lord of Plenty, Friend to all
17 - Ro
18 - Sigma
19 - Tau
20 - Ypsilon
21 - Fillis, LG, Goddess of the Forge, Smith of the World, Handmaiden of Deltria
22 - Xris, CN, God of Winter, Ice and Snow
23 - Psi
24- Omet - N - God of Death, Lord of the Afterlife
===== The Demi-Gods and Minor Powers
Pausin - CN - Demi-god of growing things, the green thumbed sprite
Keth - N - Demi-god of knowledge
The god siblings
===== The Demi-Gods and Minor Powers