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History of the Aeon Saga

The history of Aeon overlays the world we know today. Events lost to the history of the modern world remain in Aeon's timeline. Many times over, cataclysms have rocked the planet we call home nearly extinguishing all life. Through those cataclysms, only a handful of small civilizations have survived to pass on the knowledge to future generations. Much that was written in stone has been lost and forgotten, nothing else survives the ravages of time save the oral accounts passed down through the millennia. Those oral accounts become distorted through lens of so many storytellers that the version we know now is nowhere near the original truth. There is an exception. In the caverns of Brightstone and the deep tunnels below The Light Mother's seat in The Snow Forest, there is an unbroken timeline etched into the very stone that presents the history of Aeon. This is that timeline. Dates are organized by BB (before Brightstone) and PB (Post Brightstone)