Gru'ul Culture Ethnicity in Aephiria | World Anvil
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Gru'ul Culture

The Orcs of the Gru'ul Homefront are masters of war, and philosphy.   Maravel Gru'ul grimaced and bellowed the beginning of a war chant, one of his favorites. "Let my son learn debate of war." And his men returned in startling unison "He will know pain and strength." Gru'ul bellowed the next line as he started marching his men forward, "My Son will know logic." His men returned with matched pace and emphasis a hearty Ah-OO! Gru'ul continued, using the guttural tones of his tongue and its inherent rhythm to set the beat of his step, "He will know reason." Again, Ah-OO! And the chant went on... for ten miles...

Naming Traditions

Family names

Gru'ul, Narsha, Mag'un, Darak

Other names

Naming conventions are mainly based off having mostly Guttural sounds and matching it with a vowel that's conducive to screaming. Trosk, Ungraa, Agrum, etc.


Major language groups and dialects

Gru'ulian language is a dialectic change from ordinary Orcish, but not set apart too far from Orcish to be considered a different language yet.

Common Etiquette rules

Common etiquette for a Gru'ulian Orc is to greet other Orcs with their arms open to show they mean no harm. If the Orc is of higher station, the higher ranked person will then return the gesture and salute. Eating should be messy and mostly used with hands. If a meal is good or bad, all food must be eaten. A good meal will be given a hearty "Ah-OO!" Political debate is considered necessary for polite conversation.

Common Dress code

Normally, Orcs wear light clothes that fit across the chest and genitals. It is not uncommon for most Orcs to wear their armor casually, and most Orcs don't have "fancy clothes," and instead have "dress armor."   To properly debate another Orc, regardless of context, one must be completely undressed. You need to be seen in all your weakness.   Meals are either nude or basically clothed.   Wearing headgear like helmets or hats is considered weak or cowardly when not on the battlefield. Even then, only higher ranked officers are expected to wear helmets to denote rank.

Art & Architecture

Orcish art is heavily inspired by war. Most of the Orcish culture has been fueled by the fact that they have been constantly fighting for a place to call home. Gru'ulian Orcs are known for their exceptionally flowery love chants, and their long war-chants. Their music and poems may seem harsh and militant compared to less orcish means because of the Orcish language's tendency to screaming. Music especially is militant sounding because the main instruments used are war drums and harsh screaming vocals. It's worth noting that most Orcish poems and music are actually love songs.   Architecture is brutal and utilitarian. The Orcs have rarely lived in an area where they can settle for more than a couple weeks, so most permanent buildings are square, windowless, and are specifically purpose-built. Most "buildings" are really just semi-permanent tents.

Historical figures

Ga' Gru'ul founded the clan sometime in the early 100's TW. Egrek Gru'ul formed an alliance with King Toddrick Darian I in 326. Maravel Gru'ul is the current leader of the Gru'ul clan. He is the Grandson of the former leader, Egrek.


Gender Ideals

The ideals of gender were a topic of debate some thirty years ago when the standard bearer Trosk Var'um Ga'Gru'ul, then a lesser stationed Orc, debated the higher ranking Orcs about gender equality and a lack of need for gendered ideals. Man, Woman, and neither, are all equal and should be treated so.

Courtship Ideals

To court an Orc, one must have a mastery of body, logic, and poetry. A truly romantic partner will craft a personal love tale for their sweetheart and sing it to them.

Major organizations

Most Orcs follow a freely affiliated version of Morvhala, the Risen's religion- which is to say they are not associated with the Holy Cross.
Parent ethnicities

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