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24th of Harvestfall, 857 AC

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The sea is not just a boundary, but a gateway to endless possibilities. In every crashing wave lies a whisper of freedom, urging us onward. However, only those who take action, who heed the whisper's call find greatness amidst the boundless horizon.


For centuries, the people of the world of Aequoria believed themselves to be alone. Everywhere their eyes could see and their feet could reach was believed to be all there was, the massive blue sea surrounding them being simply a border, a sign of the world's end. To attempt to voyage beyond this vast sea was impossible, for the seas themselves would strike down anyone foolish enough to try. Any ideas of life beyond these waves was thought to be a fantasy, a foolish hope. People were content to live their lives this way, never voyaging beyond their own land. However, there always existed those who hoped, who dreamed of crossing these perilous seas & exploring the great unknown.


This way of life remained for hundreds, even thousands of years, until one fateful day. It is said that a great storm emerged, one far more powerful and destructive than any seen before or since. These waves were said to destroy everything in sight, with the full power of the depths themselves behind them. Amidst this cataclysm, a lone soul was cast adrift upon the waves, clinging to any debris he could for survival. However, as the storm's wrath faded, the seas themselves seemed strange. Less hostile, more welcoming, more... alive. And as the man guided his vessel onwards, it was as if the Gods themselves had blessed his voyage, guiding him to safety. When the man reached land once again, it was not the familiar place he had called home, but instead, a distant, uncharted land. The man's miraculous journey spoke of possibilities undreamnt, and with this man's journey as proof and the waves not seeming as unconquerable as they once had, the age of seafaring began.


After that day, the world of Aequoria became a land with sailing and exploration at the center of its very identity. In the years following, sailors from far and wide set out, mapping newfound lands and documenting new discoveries. And with these new experiences came new tales. Tales of mighty heroes, who swore oahts to take from the greedy and give to the poor. Of horrific sea creatures, and the brave sailors who risked their lives to put an end to them. Of epic wars between long-forgotten civilizations, and the circumstances that led to their ends. And for every new tale that was told, it was as if more fuel was added to the fire, with newcomers taking it upon themselves to create legends of themselves.


But, as all things do, the tales and legends of the early days of the sea began to fade. And with that, as did the peace that the Golden Age of Seafaring had brought. Now in present-day, the seas seem almost as oppressive as they were long ago. With dangerous creatures around every corner, an oppressive empire seeking to claim the seas for themselves, and murmurs of something even darker happening beneath the surface, it is up to the current generation of seafarers to decide the future of Aequoria.


The Royal Isles

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