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A Sylafe of Mithni descent, of unknown sex.

Basic Information


Fine, lanky, and angular. Often xenotypical skin, eye, and hair colouration.

Genetics and Reproduction

The gestational period of the Sylafe is about 14 months (or a year.)

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Sylari have a tapetum lucidum made of collagen structures allowing them to see in the dark. The also exhibit a Flehmen response suggesting that they posses vomeronasal organs.   Because of their natural connection to the weave the sylari seem to posses natural potential magic, and possible telepsychic powers.
The sylafe often live to be 600 to 1000 years (though some have been known to live much longer.)
Average Height
Sylafe height ranges between 5.5' to 7.2'.
Average Weight
Sylafe have typically very slight builds often weighing less than 170lbs.

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