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The religion primarily practiced by the people of the Khaans.

Mythology & Lore

In the more ancient texts of this religion there were seemingly many gods who slowly became one with Marunt. This absorption is part of the unification of the world under their watchful eye as described in the ___. After the initial unification of Mankind Marunt assumed a human avatar on Aer and became a great hero, but as the world fell again into turmoil Marunt's body (metaphysical) was shattered and rebuilt in the heavens once again as several forms. And so the cycle of all gods becoming one then becoming man on earth began anew. Throughout history this was said to have happened many times.   Curiously Marunt is several times referred to in the plural implying that either they can have multiple avatars at once, or that they exist as a collective consciousness of all of their lives/godhoods. It is never implied that Marunt as separate gods is any less powerful than they are as a unified being, just that their powers are different between unified and separate forms.
Religious, Organised Religion

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