Seaside City of Ataxigira Settlement in Aerda | World Anvil
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Seaside City of Ataxigira

The party arrives in Ataxigira after leaving Dalzenia is search of evidence that Grand Keeper Ghallus is who Aelus and the Order claim he is. They were told to come to the Archipelago and visit the Temple of Salamar on the Isle of Baasan. Apparently there would be evidence against Ghallus there. The first stop on the way there is in Ataxigira, a port city located in the jungle. Here the party can stock up on new weapons and items, as well as visit a tailor to acquire new jungle-friendly armour and outfits. From here they leave the city and travel through the Yizumu Valley.

Industry & Trade

In Ataxigira, there is a large fruit trade industry, as well as jewel mines. Within the jungle is a large deposit of precious stones such as diamond, sapphire, ruby, and topaz.


Ataxigira is a beautiful and welcoming port city on the southern coast of Baasan, the southernmost island of the Soliman Archipelago. The city is situated with dense jungle and its flora is prevalent throughout the city. Built in the distant past, Ataxigira stood on the seashore for generations as a monolithic center for sea trade and religion. Over time, many of the religious building have become obsolete and used for different purposes, however, the ancient statues and religious facades still stand intact.


The architecture, synonymous with most cultures in the archipelago would be most akin to that of Mesoamerican architecture found throughout ancient South America. Houses are commonly built with cut stone, with carvings, designs, and effigies cut into the sides of the buildings. Major buildings, like religious centers, or political buildings, are commonly built in the fashion of a tall step pyramid-like structure. Ataxigira is a very old city with monuments to kings of the past, and with very old and megalithic architecture.


Ataxigira is built on the ocean shore and is surrounded by dense, hot jungle. In fact, the city was built within the jungle and its flora is prevalent throughout the city and has been a part of its design and inspiration. Just outside the city is the Yizumu Valley, a deep and vast jungle, riddled with tribal communities and ruins of the ancient past.

Natural Resources

Ataxigira has plentiful natural resources is the way of fruits and wood. Because of the jungle, there are hundreds of species of fruits that grow in abundance, and they also take advantage of the wood and stone that can be found in great quantity surrounding the city.
Alternative Name(s)
The Great Fishing City, The Ocean King's Home, The Ocean Capitol
Inhabitant Demonym

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