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Cult of the Scale

The Cult of the Scale is a fanatical organization of clerics and mages who seek to control the powerful nature of dragons. First arising during the Age of Elves, the Cult of Scale has been a predominantly human driven organization that seeks to harness the power of dragons.  While initial attempts to develope means to control the few dragons that were ever found outside of Draconia failed miserably, the cultists eventually found a way - necromancy. The cultists still hold dragons in awe, but they focus their energies to finding dead dragons to raise into terrifying dracoliches.


Various pockets of cultists will pop up in places from time to time. While there is no overarching leadership, the various cells are aware of each other and share in information on better ways to raise dead dragons and to anhance their abilities in undeath. Typically, a powerful necromancer will form a group of 20-30 followers that comprise a cell.


The Culf ot Scale firnly believes that dragons are the purest of life in Aerildol and they should one be able to control dragons, they would be able to rule the world. Raising of dracolishes is simply seen as a step in the process of one day harnessing the magic nad power of actual dragons.  Should they be able to do this, they would be unstoppable in conquering all of Aerildol to bring it under peaceful rule by the Cult of the Scale. These ideals are espoused and passed on through the tome called the Necrodraconicon.  This book contains the rituals and beliefs of the Cult.   Most cultists live in secret and only gather in private with other members of the cult. While infrequently seen, they are known for the distinctive deep purple robes they wear and the dragon claw tattoos they were on their right breast.

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