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Dai'Shal Arcana

Founded during the early years of the Age of Enlightenment, the Dai'Shal Arcana is a small group of powerful heroes who seek to find balance and peace for all of Aerildol. Using their powerful magics, they monitor for threats and find ways to prevent catastrophes. For most, the Dai'Shal is a thing of myth and legend, but for the rulers of the the nations of Aerildol, their presence is real. The current membership of the Dai'Shal Arcana is a tightly guarded secret with only one member, the wizard Alleric Stormmantle being publicly known.   The current members of the Dai' Shal Arcana include:
  • Alleric Stormmantle (19 Illusionist/Human) Alleric is a powerful wizard and a member of the royal house of Calcezus. He is the only public representative of the DA and as such, he is often the target of those who wish ill upon this band of do-gooders.
  • Skais Ironhammer (20 Forge Cleric/dwarf) (pronounced scay-iss) Along with being a member of the DA, Skais is devoted servant of the goddess Surene and one of the Five Stars
  • Syla "The Lightbringer" Shayphan (18 Light Cleric/Human) Syla is a prominent cleric of Surene within the city of Calcezor and she is also a member of the Five Stars 
  • Semal (Human 17 Divine Soul Sorceror/3 Hexblade) - Resides in the town of Denara in Telicusia. She is known as the Crimson Witch, but few would be foolish enough to call her that to her face. While not the ruler of Denara, she sees herself as its protector. She is lovely in appearance with deep read/auburn hair that flows around her shoulders. She wears almost blood red garments.
  • Heraphee Whiteblade** (6 Paladin/14 Sorc, Goliath Female)
  • Holden the Edgewalker** - (20 Star Druid of the Guardian of the Gates Forest Gnome) The oldest of the DA, Holden is also the most lighthearted of his companions.
  • Dravin Moonstrider - ( 18 Lore Bard/2 Warlock) The lone elf of the Dai'Shal and an outcast (or presumed outcast) of the noble elves of Barithia. He still has contacts and some power within the lands of Barithia, but rarely exerts it as he strives to be more of an information broker. Sometimes referred to as the Dark Bard. He leads the secretive organization known as Haven. Haven is actually located in the shady port of Darkheart, located beneath the city of Krakenport. This is where Dravin runs his network of informants, spies and adventurers to work on the behest of the Dai'Shal Arcana.
Founding Date

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