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Watchers of the Northern Sky

(language convention: Scottish)
You're heading up to Archspire, eh? Tough bunch up there. They say the cold hardens them, both body and soul.

People and Culture

Descendants of the Gael: The people of Archspire are a proud and hardy race descended from the Gael, a pre-Sundering people with close ties to the Aerithian royal family. Their culture is steeped in tradition, with a strong emphasis on storytelling, poetry, and a deep connection to the natural world. Their language, a Goidelic dialect, is filled with rich metaphors and allusions to their ancestral homeland.   Wardens of the North: For generations, the Archspire people have held a sacred duty – to watch the Taern Sea for the arrival of the "Star Farers," a prophesied people destined to aid the land of Aerith in its darkest hour. This vigil has become ingrained in their way of life, with watchtowers perched on the highest peaks constantly scanning the horizon.   Life in the Taiga: Archspire is a harsh land, dominated by a cold and unforgiving taiga biome. Spruce and fir forests cover the slopes of the mountainous peninsula, while the valleys hold meadows rich with wildflowers during the brief summer. Archspire people are skilled hunters, trappers, and fishers, living off the land and respecting its power.


Clans and Chieftains: Archspire society is organized into clans, each led by a hereditary chieftain. These chieftains are responsible for the well-being of their people, ensuring the defense of the realm and the continuation of the vigil for the Star Farers.   Druidic Order: The Druids hold a revered position in Archspire society. These wise men and women act as spiritual advisors, interpreters of omens, and keepers of ancient lore. They play a vital role in maintaining the traditions and guiding the people.   Warriors of the North Wind: Every Archspire citizen is trained in the art of combat from a young age. Their harsh environment and the constant threat of raids from the north have instilled in them a fierce sense of self-reliance and a warrior spirit. Their fighting style emphasizes agility, swiftness, and the use of axes, spears, and shortbows.

The Coming of the Star Farers

Prophecy and Hope: An ancient prophecy passed down through generations speaks of the Star Farers, a people who will arrive from across the sea in a time of great need. The details of the prophecy are shrouded in mystery, but it is believed they will bring aid and hope to the land of Aerith.   The Everlasting Watch: The people of Archspire have maintained their vigil for centuries, their faith in the prophecy unwavering. Watchtowers are constantly manned, and scouts patrol the coastline, their eyes ever scanning the horizon for any sign of the Star Farers' arrival.   A Beacon of Light: Should the Star Farers finally appear, Archspire would be the first to greet them. Acting as a beacon of hope and a bridge to the wider world, they would guide them to Aerith and share their knowledge of the land.

Geopolitical Landscape

Isolated Guardians: Archspire's location and focus on their vigil have led to a certain degree of isolation. While they maintain trade relations with their neighbors, particularly the people of Irenaught, their primary focus remains the fulfillment of their ancient duty.   Uneasy Peace: The northern reaches beyond Archspire are home to fierce and nomadic barbarian tribes. While all-out war is rare, skirmishes and raids are a constant threat. The Archspire people are ever vigilant, guarding not only against these raiders but also against any potential larger invasion that could threaten the arrival of the Star Farers. This tension has spread to relations with Irenaught as assistance with the barbarians has not been forthcoming from the parent nation.
The way I see it, Irenaught not lending a hand is just another echo of why Archspire was founded in the first place. Back when Irenaught was the only Gael nation left, there were some clans, a loud bunch really, who wanted to get back to our ancestral duty: watching for the Star Farers. Most folks these days, after the Sundering, scoff at that notion. They say prophecies are what got us in this mess in the first place. So, here we are, Irenaught and Archspire, supposed allies, still rubbing each other the wrong way over those old prophecies.
  A Bridge to Aerith: Archspire's position as the northernmost civilized nation of Aerith makes them a vital link to the wider world. They act as a bridge between the continent and the people who watch the northern seas, potentially playing a crucial role in uniting Aerith against any future threats.

Points of Interest

The Stargazer's Keep: Atop the highest peak in Archspire stands the Stargazer's Keep, an ancient watchtower manned by the most experienced scouts and Druids. From this vantage point, they keep an endless vigil for the Star Farers.   The Hall of Ancestors: Carved into the side of a mountain, the Hall of Ancestors is a sacred place where the spirits of past chieftains and heroes are said to reside. It is here that the Archspire people come to commune with their ancestors and seek guidance for the future.
They say on the highest peaks, where the air is thin and the wind howls, you can sometimes see the figures of those lost in the Great Avalanche. Spectral miners, forever searching for the veins they were buried beneath. Spooky business, that's for sure.
The Whispering Cairns: Scattered throughout the mountains are ancient stone cairns, believed to hold the secrets and stories of the Archspire people's ancestors. Druids study these cairns, interpreting the carvings
Formation: 477 PS
Government Type: Monarchy
Imports: metals and manufactured goods; grain
Exports: rare and exotic plants; finely crafted hunting gear
Regional Dialect: The Gael accent is a distinct way of speaking the Common Tongue, known for a few key features. Gaels pronounce their "r"s everywhere and have unique vowel sounds that can make them sound quite different from standard Common. They also use some guttural sounds and soften consonants in the middle of words. In addition to these pronunciation features, Gaels have their own vocabulary words. The accent itself can vary depending on region and social background.
Some say that when the Aurora Borealis dances across the night sky, it's not just a pretty sight. That it's a sign, a message from beings who travel between the stars. The Star Farers, the ones the Archspireans are waiting for, they call them. Crazy talk, most likely, but there's always a sliver of truth in even the wildest rumors, don't you think?


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