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A Tapestry of Sun-Kissed Freedom

(language convention: Greek)

A Land of Scattered Cities and Untamed Beauty

Ma'ar, nestled along the western coast beneath the watchful gaze of the Mountains of the Sun, is a land of vibrant life and independent city-states, lacking a centralized government and instead flourishing as a network of coastal settlements, each with its own unique character and traditions.

People and Culture

Descendants of the Hellenes: The people of Ma'ar trace their lineage back to seafaring adventurers and scholars. They are known for their love of debate, their pursuit of knowledge, and their appreciation for beauty in all its forms. Their culture is rich with philosophy, art, and athletic competitions held in honor of the gods.
  A Mosaic of Self-Rule: Each Ma'ari city-state governs itself with a high degree of autonomy. Some may be ruled by elected officials, others by powerful families, and still others by a council of elders. Despite their differences, the Ma'ari share a common language, a love for the sea, and a fierce respect for individual liberty.
  Harmony with Nature: The Ma'ari have a deep respect for the natural world. Their verdant land is perfect for agriculture, and their skilled hunters ensure a steady supply of game. They believe in living in harmony with nature, taking what they need but not exploiting it.

Life in Ma'ar

Thriving Trade: The Ma'ari are skilled sailors and traders. Their ports bustle with activity as they trade their agricultural bounty, finely crafted goods, and renowned olive oil with other nations. They are also known for their skilled divers, who retrieve treasures from the depths of the ocean.
  Festivals and Games: Ma'ari life is filled with vibrant celebrations. They hold regular festivals in honor of their gods, featuring athletic competitions, poetry readings, and theatrical performances. These events are a time for communities to come together, celebrate their culture, and honor their shared identity.
  Aesthetics and Philosophy: Art, philosophy, and debate are cornerstones of Ma'ari society. They revere artists, sculptors, and philosophers, believing that beauty and intellectual pursuits elevate the human spirit. Open-air forums and symposiums are common, where citizens gather to discuss everything from the nature of the gods to the best way to farm olives.

Geopolitical Landscape

A Nation Apart: Ma'ar chooses to remain largely isolated from the political machinations of other nations. They see themselves as a beacon of freedom and see centralized power as a threat to liberty. However, they are not averse to trade and diplomacy, and they maintain cordial relations with most neighboring nations.
  The Southern Grasslands: The vast, grassy plains to the south are considered a neutral territory by the Ma'ari settlements. They occasionally send hunting expeditions there, but they view it as a buffer zone between themselves and any potential threats.
  The Mountains of the Sun: The eastern mountains hold a sense of mystery for the Ma'ari. They revere them as the dwelling place of the Creator, and some Ma'ari settlements have been built on the lower slopes, serving as spiritual centers.

Points of Interest

The Oracle of Eleni: Nestled within the foothills of the Mountains of the Sun lies the famed Oracle of Eleni. Here, a priestess known as the Pythia is said to channel the wisdom of the gods, offering cryptic pronouncements to those who seek guidance.
  The Agora of Aegea: The bustling marketplace of Aegea is a testament to Ma'ari trade and commerce. Here, traders from across the continent gather to barter goods, exchange stories, and engage in lively debates on philosophy and the arts.
  The Temple of Salt: This magnificent temple, built on a cliff overlooking the sea, is dedicated to the god of the ocean. It is a place of pilgrimage for sailors and fishermen, who come to pray for safe journeys and bountiful catches.
Formation: 550 PS
Government Type: Confederacy
Imports: manufactured goods, food staples, finished goods
Exports: livestock, metals and minerals, luxury goods, salt, re-exported goods
Regional Dialect: Unlike the Common Tongue where stressing a syllable changes the word, Ma'arans uses pitch to differentiate words. The Ma'aran "r" sounds different, more like a Tamrean trill. Consonants are pronounced firmly, and vowels are purer sounds. Also, Ma'aran word order can be flexible.


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