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The White Wolf: The Unifier

The White Wolf is a wise and spiritually attuned individual, a beacon of wisdom and compassion in a world shrouded in darkness. Possessing a deep understanding of the natural world and its interconnectedness, they are a guardian of the people. With a calm and composed demeanor, the White Wolf guides others through troubled times, offering solace and direction. Their wisdom is as vast as the sky, and their compassion knows no bounds.
  Symbol: A lone white wolf howling at the moon.

The World Through Wolf Eyes

Life is a dream.
  Long before the current age, or even before the previous one, the Wolf has always been here. A silent stalker, the Wolf watches. The Wolf howls and the Word is sent. The Wolf harries and the hunted run. None escape the hunt. None are exempt. All are prey. Bird, fish, hare… human.
  In the distant dream, man was born and given dominion. But man was unwise and those called to be the world’s guardians took action. The stars fell and the dream shifted. The stars gathered up the most worthy, the most noble, the best the world had to offer, and carried them into a new dream before casting themselves into the sky anew.
  The Wolf howled to Mother Moon and She gave the Wolf purpose. Watch man. Harry him when necessary. And she gave Wolf two tools: nose and fang, one to seek with and the other to act through.
  Man, too crafty for his own good, fell to his own hubris. Hubris took form in the Belaithin. The corruption of man passed his creation, but the Belaithin recognized their own fault and looked to the stars, rising above their nature, blazing as bright as stars falling.
  Among man, the sour aroma of desperation quickly shifted into the choking scent of madness and the Belaithaman were born. Corruption multiplied and the Wolf howled and barred her fangs. Stars rained down beside the Wolf as she leapt into the fray, teeth snapping, the Hunt commenced.
  Man was saved from his hubris. The Belaithaman were contained, but their threat is still on the wind. Man seeks madness again. Wolf howls and remembers Mother Moon’s charge: stop the madness before death sweeps over the world.
  Sustain the dream.

Two Parts, One Purpose

The White Wolf looks upon you, Her icy blue eyes piercing your soul.
  "I choose you. You are my Nose. You are my Fangs. Unite the people."

Progression of Avatars

Wolf's Nose

Core Ability: Receives a magical +1 bonus to Wisdom.
5th-Level (Spirit Sight): Gain advantage on all Insight skill checks on creatures within 30 feet. Additionally, can cast detect magic once per short rest.
10th-Level (Weaver of Peace): As an action, cast calm emotions on creatures within a 30-foot radius of each other. Additionally, you can cast sanctuary on yourself or an ally as a bonus action.
15th-Level (Voice of Harmony): Can use a bonus action to inspire courage in nearby allies. Allies within 30 feet gain a +1d4 bonus to saving throws and ability checks that don't already use their highest modifier for one minute.
20th-Level (Herald of Unity): Communicate telepathically with any creature that understands a common language within 60 feet. You can use this ability to resolve conflicts and forge alliances.

Wolf's Fangs

Core Ability: Receives a magical +1 bonus to Charisma.
5th-Level (Warden's Presence): Project a powerful aura that compels creatures to be honest and forthright in your presence. Creatures attempting to deceive you within 30 feet must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw (DC 8+Charisma modifier+Profiency modifier) or be unable to lie for one minute.
10th-Level (Champion's Challenge): As a reaction to an ally being attacked, you can move up to your movement speed and make a single weapon attack against the attacker with advantage on the attack roll. Additionally, you can use a bonus action to grant advantage on the next saving throw to an ally within 30 feet.
15th-Level (Aura of Unity): Gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage while you have at least one ally within 30 feet. Additionally, allies within 10 feet gain a +1 bonus to AC.
20th-Level (Avatar of the Wolf):You can transform into a spectral wolf for one minute as an action. In this form, you gain darkvision 60 feet, advantage on Dexterity saving throws, pack tactics (your attacks deal extra damage if an ally is within 5 feet of the target), and the ability to teleport up to 60 feet as a bonus action. You can use this ability once per long rest.

Shared Abilities

In addition to their individual strengths, the avatars of the White Wolf share abilities that reinforce their connection to the White Wolf and their role as a united force:
  • Pack Mentality: When the avatars fight together, they gain a bonus to attack rolls and damage against a common enemy equal to their individual Prociency modifiers.
  • Spiritual Link: The avatars can communicate telepathically with each other over any distance.

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