Bruges Character in Aerith | World Anvil
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(pronounced Broo-jez)

The Victorious


Bruges is a fierce and deadly warrior who relishes in the kill and destruction that battle brings. He lives for the fight and is well-loved by many barbarian cultures and warriors of many regions.  


A challenge leads to battle leads to war leads to conquest. Without these tenets the Human race will become stagnant and never achieve the glory that is rightfully theirs. Most followers of Bruges enjoy the fight and the killing but what they relish in most of all is the conquest. However, conquest is fleeting for once you have conquered the thrill is gone and you must find another challenge to test your mettle. Peace begets laziness and halts the drive to move forward. The doctrine of Bruges is the most beneficial thing Humans can try to attain.  

Major Centres of Worship: 

Essillion as a temple to Bruges in the soldiers’ quarter of town. Many soldier worships him in Brightwave and Avandar has a popular council member that is a high-priest of Bruges. The barbarians of the land pray to him under the name of Derbox the Destroyer and offer him sacrifices but they do not have any permanent structures dedicated to him.  

Relations with other gods: 

Bruges does not get along with most other beings, preferring the solitude of his rage. He shows a great fondness for Josefan but mostly because he has not been able to conquer her yet. There is no love there, only possession. He has a particular dislike for Curceon, whom he thinks is arrogant and naïve. He also has a rivalry with Mirriam for the love of the barbarian people. He thinks she makes them weak and he despises weakness in others.  


Bruges appears as a tall and powerfully built warrior or barbarian. If he is wearing armour it is usually of the utmost quality and protection. If he is not wearing armour he is then covered in fur from some impressive beast. He has a full, black beard that he braids in three even rows. His favoured weapon is a two-headed battle axe.  

Other Manifestations:

A red sky warns of a battle about to take place or shows Bruges’ favour of a battle currently taking place. Bruges sometimes manifests as a Dire Wolf that cannot be tracked or overtaken. He also manifests as a toppled flag from a captured place.
Divine Classification
Imperial Being (Shard of Alucar)


Challenges, Battle, War, Conquest


Mailed fist with bloody knuckles


Chaotic Evil

Typical Worshippers: 

Barbarians, Fighters, Soldiers, Lycanthropes, Athletes


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