Cragguard Settlement in Aerith | World Anvil
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The City of Cragguard is the main Earth Dwarf city in the Mantle, located in the northern end, east of Meadowspring and south of Azdurok. It is currently enjoying a prosperous time and has made friends with many powers of the region, including the Halflings of Meadowspring, a small Minotaur population in the mountains, and some Goliath tribes. Its leader Fallond Stouthammer, is a gregarious and diplomatic Dwarf with a keen mind for the future. He is working to leave the war of Boulderdwell in the past and reforge a new future, but he is not blind to the dangers around him. He supports Marblewell wholeheartedly and ensures that the Dwarves of the north Mantle have as many allies as possible.   Cragguard Dwarves represent a noble and somewhat non-stereotypical Dwarf to the outside world. They are friendly, but cautious; diplomatic, yet direct; they are lovers of peace, but prepared for war. There are those in the north who still remember the fall of Boulderdwell and not all of them side with the Dwarves. The citizens of Cragguard have taken it upon themselves to win over as many people as possible and let the demons of the past die.
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