Crystalhope Settlement in Aerith | World Anvil
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Crystalhope is the central Stone Dwarf city on Denethen’s Mantle. While not as big as Forgehome or even Goldencrest, Crystalhope’s location made it ideal for trade and travel. Centuries ago they were involved in a war with the Dao-controlled city of Boulderdwell and it depleted many of its resources. With the help of Goldencrest, Cragguard, and Silverhearth, Crystalhope was able to defeat the Dao and take the city for the Dwarves. It was renamed Marblewell and made up the third city for the Stone Dwarves on the Mantle. All the Dwarf cities in the region work very well with each other and there is very little competition amongst them.   Crystalhope does a good trade with its crafting and architecture, as well as some interesting and unique items that can be found in its mines. The work that they do with gems, ore, minerals, and crystals, like quartz and chrysoberyl is second to none and many Stone Dwarf artisans make incredible items for royalty or wealthy merchants.   The leader of Crystalhope is currently Durzok Darriak Baldern and he is a single-minded and entrepreneurial crafter at heart. He is always looking for ways to reinvent his craft and the city as a whole. His people admire him as a hard worker, and one who has his city and the Dwarven race as a whole as his main focus.


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