Brothers in Arms Prose in Aerith | World Anvil
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Brothers in Arms

The Dragons fought, spurred on by their Drakon leaders, raining destruction down upon an undefended world. Lightning flashed across the sky, and fires burned on the ground below. Ice, and gas, and acid clouds darkened the sun, as their battles raged; the combatants neither noticing nor caring at the state of the world.   The Three Pillars paused in their Infinite Dance to determine what to do. The Dragon Lords would undo all their work if decisive action was not taken. The world stopped for an instant, as a conclusion was reached - if Dragons could not die, they would fight continually. To address this the Three Pillars created Morthos and Tereale, the Sovereigns of Death and Life. Out of the Umbra sprang the pair, never apart and always opposing the other. Back-to-back they stood out of the Womb of Humanity, one bringing life from the Umbra while the other collected it back to the Umbra. They worked in perfect unison and their first job was clear. Drakons must die.   In order to cull the Drakon population, being in opposition to them must be brought forth. They must fight the Drakons and their children in the sky, and be versatile and agile enough to withstand their enemies. Winged humanoid warriors who carried the grace of celestials, the discipline, order, and determination of the Three Pillars, and a single purpose to kill Drakons and Dragons. The Avariel were born.   Of all the Avariel to take flight during the long-running Dragon War, there were three who stood out. A trio of brothers-in-arms who fought wisely, bravely, and cunningly, garnering much success in culling the ever-growing number of Drakons and Dragons that threatened the world. Zayphos, the Commander of the Skies, was the perfect example of the Avariel. He was noble of bearing, could rally his troops with great ease, and took to the skies with great skill and precision.   Fighting alongside him was Lyradell, the Bringer of Light. Celestial radiance emanated from Lyradell and he brought comfort and peace to his followers, while emboldening them to continue the fight. His warriors were the most loyal and dedicated of all of the Avariel.   Rounding out the trio was Flane, Master of the Blades, and the greatest warrior the Avariel knew. He was disciplined, shrewd, tactical, decisive, and very skilled at combat. Of all the Avariel, the Dragons feared Flane the most on the battlefield. The three of them fought side by side throughout the entirety of the war, achieving success after success. Their people called out for a leader, and while each of them was well prepared to take on the challenge, it was finally decided that Zayphos would represent them as King of the Avariel. They would all make decisions together about how they would win the war, but Zayphos would speak for them, rally their troops, and be a shining example to follow. This worked very well for the three of them, and the Avariel, and eventually they turned the tides of destruction. Dragons and Avariel would forever be enemies, but the Dragon/Avariel war was finally over.   Peace settled over the world, and the Avariel began to prosper quickly. Zayphos ruled them as a figurehead, Lyradel had control of their capital city, and Flane was in command of their extensive military. They each valued and respected the others, treating each other as equals. The rise of the Avariel was achieved in short order. Before long twelve floating cities spread out above Haven, as the Avariel watched over the world they were created to protect. They continued to fight the Dragons, but they settled in for peace and prosperity, confident that the Avariel were destined to be successful. Their peace would not last. Thunder, lightning, and fire streaked across the sky, lighting up the dark clouds that moved in and heavily obscured the sun. The Avariel looked down to see what was transpiring, ready to fight if needed. Above their high, floating cities however, was where a monumental event was taking place. The two Dragon Lords, Drakova and Ilbrendar, in vibrant flash of power, ascended to a higher plane of existence, their power forming a new branch of the Tree of Magic. A division over Haven formed and the world was divided into six equal elemental aspects of Air, Earth, Fire, Water, Arcane, and Divine power. The continent of Haven sundered into five separate continents.  
The universe shook and the Three Pillars stopped their dance for a second time. With the Dragon Lords’ power in the Umbra solely, it had vacated the world below. The Three Pillars abhorred imbalance, so changes had to be made. The Three Pillars looked to the Founder Races they had created, populating the world with life. They would raise to godhood one of each of those races to godhood, in each aspect of the world, in order to help balance the power.   For their first, and favoured race that pinnacle was Zayphos, and Lyradell and Flane were happy and supportive of their brother. Though a little disappointed that he was not chosen as the Pinnacle of the Avariel, Flane still celebrated his brother’s success. Always knowing he was destined for some great purpose, Flane assumed he would be named as Zayphos’ successor as King of the Avariel.   The King of the Avariel was named, and Lyradell was selected to take the place of Zayphos. Flane swallowed his pride again, pushing the bitter pill down deep into his chest. He congratulated his brother on his appointment, and accepted his fate as the leader of their capital city. Disappointment was to greet Flane yet again, as Lyradell’s daughter was named as the new leader of the capital city. That night Flane was gifted a vision of the greatest Avariel city yet. Grand spires rose to the heavens, honouring the Three Pillars as the Avariel strove to reach those same heights. Vibrant life teemed in the glittering prize that flashed through Flane’s mind. Purpose and destiny solidified in Flane’s mind and he knew what he had to do. Plans for the construction of the thirteenth, and greatest Avariel city took shape, and took hold in Flane’s heart.   Filled with a renewed vitality, Flane greeted his brothers excitedly the next day and described what he had seen. He unfolded his plan in great detail, extolling the virtues of the Three Pillars, and the Avariel, ensuring that his new city of Exandar would be a shining beacon of hope to the world. Confident they would approve of his new endeavour, Flane was shocked and dismayed at the sudden and decisive refusal by Zayphos to build another city. Flane argued with Zayphos, calmly at first, but frustration set in. Pride and arrogance swept the two of them along a rapid course of fruitless dialogue, and for hours they fought. Flane looked to Lyradell for some kind of support, but found none. Lyradell did his best to help the two find some common ground but both were intractable. Finally Flane realized how useless it was to continue to try and convince Zayphos with words. Diplomacy failed, but Flane was not defeated yet. He would prove his point with deeds. That was what Flane was known for.   Secretly building the city of Exandar over the next couple of year, Flane was able to hide its existence from the others with some clever magic and subterfuge. Flane’s tactics were not just for the battlefield. He would reveal the majesty and glory of his vision and there would be no doubt in everyone’s heart of the greatness of Exandar. Flane would achieve his birthright of greatness, and they could all be on equal footing again. Such was the confidence of Flane throughout the entire endeavour. He remembered fondly the times the three of them spent battling their enemies and working together in harmony. He would bring about that time again.   The day finally came and Exandar was ready to be revealed. Flane invited them all to the great hall of the High King Lyradell, with the promise of a special announcement. Zayphos was there, in his resplendent glory, with his royal guards of Avariel warriors flanking him. His head was raised high and he looked down on his people with pride. Lyradell stood, further down from Zayphos, with his daughter lower still, both of their crowns glinting in the light of Zayphos. Flane approached his brothers, bent to one knee out of respect, and wished them warm greetings. He extolled the virtues of his brothers, their wisdom, and their faith. Sharing a quick spell of vision, he showed them the thirteenth floating city of Exandar, the largest and most impressive of all the Avariel cities.   Lyradell and his daughter looked shocked, and held their breath. Zayphos’ eyes narrowed dangerously, and lightning started to crackle at the sides. Flane did not flinch at all, so confident in his decision to construct his city. ‘Destroy it at once!’ Zayphos commanded, his booming voice echoing throughout the hall. ‘You have gone against your god and your king!’ He flashed a dagger of light at the image and it shattered.   Motes of light, and lingering images drifted to the floor until eventually there was nothing left. Time seemed to stand still for a moment and the pause was weighty. With the image finally gone, Flane reacted. His eyes flashed with disappointment, betrayal, and anger. Lyradell spoke calmly as usual, trying to ease the situation between his two friends, but Flane could not hear him for the roaring in his head. His former brothers were fools, he thought, but not all the Avariel were so. He was patient and cunning. With a wordless bow of his head, his eyes not connecting to either Zayphos or Lyradell, Flane rose, turned on his heels, and left for Exandar straight away.   Once in the security and comfort of Exandar Flane made his plans quickly, and was able to convince six other cities to join his side. His strategic mind had already cultivated the alliance months before, ensuring he had the support of a majority. He did not think he would need to use them, but he was glad he was prepared. The next day Flane declared war on Zayphos and Lyradell, denouncing any bonds of friendship and brotherhood. With over half of the cities on Flane’s side, and three with so little conviction as to avoid either side, Flane was confident he could win this war quickly; even against a god. His tactical skills, righteous fury, and superior numbers were more than enough.   Lyradell stood silently in his throne room, going over the events in his head again and again. How could he not see the pain in his brother’s heart. While Lyradell did not agree with Flane, the disrespect and audacity could not go unanswered. Zayphos’ pride had gotten the best of him, and he reacted poorly. There was fear and jealousy in Zayphos, thought Lyradell. Something he had not noticed before. Flane’s rash actions had forced Lyradell’s hand, however, and he had to side with Zayphos. His attempt to have cooler heads prevail failed again, and the Avariel were now faced with a civil war.   The Avariel Civil War was one of the bloodiest and darkest wars ever to be fought on Aerith, and lasted for over eighty years. Flane continued to prove victorious over Zayphos, and each victory further solidified in Flane’s mind how justified he was. His use of tactics on and off the battlefield increased Flane’s confidence, and emboldened him. After more than eighty years, Zayphos’ defeat was so close at hand that Flane predicted that Zayphos and Lyradell, his once closest friends, would sue for peace in a matter of months. Lyradell’s attempt throughout the whole war to get Zayphos and Flane to talk fell on deaf ears, on both sides.   Zayphos, even in his hubris, finally acknowledged the reality of the situation he was in. He was losing. Desperate actions were needed in order to defeat Flane. He fought with himself over what he was willing to sacrifice in order to put Flane in his place. Many times Zayphos was ready to do anything, but kept pulling himself back, trusting in his ability and power to see him through to victory. He could live in that lie no longer; he needed help. Zayphos approached the other Pinnacles of the Founder races, but their initial answer was no, and they encouraged Zayphos to try and find some diplomatic ways of ending the war. Undeterred, Zayphos tried a different tactic. Flane would not just stop at defeating the Avariel. He had his eye set on all the lands of Aerith, Zayphos explained to the Pinnacles. Furthermore, the longer the Avariel fought, the more likely the Dragons would come out of hiding and lay waste to the lands and people of the world. A little reluctant but unable to find a different solution, the Pinnacles agreed to help Zayphos to end the civil war and restore order back to Aerith.   The Pinnacles listened to Zayphos’ plan, intently. He asked Denethen to forge a glorious crown, fit for a king of the Avariel. He would call it the Crown of Zayphos, to entice Flane even more. He then asked for each of the Pinnacles to imbue some of their power into the crown, enabling the curse Zayphos had woven into it. He detailed how once the crown was placed on Flane’s head, the light of the Avariel would be stripped from him and his followers, reducing their strength and morale. The other Pinnacles were a little dubious at first, but their fear of the eventual suffering of their people made them relent finally.   The Crown of Zayphos complete, the day came to enact his plan. Zayphos requested a cease fire and parley with Flane, seeking to surrender and end the bloodshed finally. Flane was not surprised, and eagerly awaited the day when he would be declared victorious. Zayphos asked his friend Lyradell to present the crown to Flane, and agree to abdicate the throne to Flane, as the King of the Avariel. Lyradell’s heart felt leaden, and he hated the idea, but he was too far into it now. He could not deny the wishes of his god and brother. He bowed his head solemnly and agreed.   The invitation went out, asking Flane to appear in the High Court of Lyradell, the same site the war had started. Zayphos, Lyradell, and a host of Avariel generals would be there to ensure the transition went smoothly, the invitation stated. Flane suspected nothing, his arrogance blinding him to possible betrayal. He donned his best armour, put on his proudest smile, and made his way to his birthright.   The setting was exactly as he imagined it. Zayphos stood haughtily at the top of the dais, and Lyradell was in his normal position beneath him, and between the two. A glorious crown was in Lyradell’s hands, and Flane noticed that his brother’s light seemed to fade in defeat. Curious, Flane thought, but he paid it no mind. In fact, he found it hard to contain himself when Lyradell approached with the Crown of Zayphos, but propriety and discipline kept his emotions in check. He puffed out his chest, as Lyradell brought the Crown down on his head, a single tear falling from Lyradell’s eyes. Flane did not see it, though as the curse of Zayphos set in very quickly. Pain seared Flane’s back and his wings turned to ash in an instant, clinging to his skin, and continuing to burn. His followers looked on in horror, and then moments later, the same thing happened to them. The audience chamber filled with the light of the Avariel, as it was pulled out of them and rushed into the Crown that Lyradell and Flane was holding. They were both shot back, away from each other as an explosion ripped through the court.   Flane recovered quickly and lunged back at Lyradell, madness and pain coursing through him. As they fought, they could see Exandar in the distance starting to fall, with no power to keep it aloft anymore. Flane continued to fight, intent on killing Lyradell, ignoring the plight of his prized city and his allies. Flane’s followers fought as best they could but with no power or wings they could not stand against the might of the Avariel. As Flane was about to land a mortal blow to Lyradell, Zayphos intervened and with a flash of bright light separated the two. With a stamp of his spear, he shot Flane back to Exandar to fall to the earth below with his beloved city.   Righteous fury enveloped Zayphos and he decreed that the curse would extend to all the Fallen, as he called them, and their descendants, and they would forever be reminded of their failure and defeat by Zayphos. In his anger, he wanted to punish the cities that neither stood with him or with Flane, but Lyradell stayed his hand and softened his heart, if only a little bit.   Lyradell declared that whatever punishment would be laid upon the neutral cities he would share. Knowing that he failed to intervene when he was needed, Lyradell took this opportunity to make things right. Zayphos was intent to call Lyradell on his bluff, but a deep look into his friend’s eyes proved the matter and he relented.   Zayphos declared that they would lose their wings, but they could keep some semblance of the Avariel light that shone within them. Their cities would be gently placed on Aerith and they would be charged with defending the people below from the atrocities of Flane and his Fallen. Lyradell, for his inaction during the start of the Civil War, offered to join his lost brethren of Elves to the surface and help guide them in their fight.  
The Three Pillars stopped their dance a third time. The Avariel Civil War was over, but the power structure was imbalanced again. The gods of the Fallen, and the Elves were born that day, in Flane and Lyradell’s transformation. Zayphos must rise to join the Sovereigns, and a new branch on the Tree of Magic was grown. The battle of Fallen and Elves would continue on Aerith. What started out as a beacon of hope and salvation for the world devolved into another eternal war that the people of Aerith must endure …


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