Dranaden Character in Aerith | World Anvil
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(Pronounced: Dran-Ah- Den)

The Gifted


Dranaden is a god of passion, charm, and wit. Rarely comfortable in one place, Dranaden traveled Starhelm to experience as much as he could to find inspiration. His followers are known to follow their heart at any given moment.  


The purpose of creativity is to experience as much as you can and share it with others in whatever way will express its true meaning. Never shy away from trying anything new and always live your life to the full extent of your abilities. Creative expression should never be hidden away. The path to true expression is a combination of a life lived outward and inward.  

Major Centres of Worship:

In Avandar there is a Bard college of the Arts called Dranaden’s Quill. This college is one of the largest Bard Colleges in all of Starhelm. In the center of the college there is a large shrine to the Molder of Hearts. In the arches that lead to the different halls in the schools are smaller shrines, personalized to represent the wing of the college you are entering. The music hall always has a melody playing. The writer’s hall has a tome full of various pieces of writing that constantly update themselves. Most Bard Colleges, taverns, and art shops include some sort of shine to Dranaden, be it large or small.  

Relations with other gods:

The closest friend that Dranaden has is Parfin the Farstepper and the two of them traveled extensively during their time together. They both had a love of experiences and would come together after absences to share stories. Dranaden also had some great passion for Josefan and the Tiger Maiden and the two (three) of them would get together for some great fun. Strangely, Dranaden had a friendly connection with Leftis and appreciated the Dreamwalker’s ability to inspire his followers through dreams.  


Dranaden often appears as a well-dressed young man, typically in lighter clothes, sporting sandy brown hair. He is usually singing, playing an instrument, or painting animals in the air and bringing them to life. He often wears flashy, fashionable outfits, but he also tries to blend into the crowd as is appropriate. He prefers weapons of skill and flash and his rapier Sharpheart is the weapon he uses most often.  

Other Manifestations:

As a Muse for artists of all kinds, he utilizes the skills he learned from his time with Leftis to peer into someone’s mind. He will pull out what is inside them already to best inspire them to greatness. Other favourite forms Dranaden will take include a gently blowing wind that whistles with a melody. Occasionally he takes the form of a beam of sunlight or moonlight projecting a picture to the viewer.
Divine Classification
Imperial Being (Shard of Alucar)


Creativity, Creation, Charm, The Arts, Bards, and Wit


A heart made of rose-coloured marble


Chaotic Neutral

Typical Worshippers: 

Bards, Entertainers, Actors, Musicians, Artists, Dancers, Conmen


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