Durhorn Settlement in Aerith | World Anvil
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Durhorn is a Minotaur city located just south of the Scar of Fire. The city has high stone walls and a large iron gate. Defense is the city’s specialty, with most of the income for the city coming from other cities and town hiring them to design and build defenses for them. Durhorn has tall stone buildings and winding narrow roads, and like most Minotaur cities it is a natural maze. Durhorn is even more maze-like as an added level of defense. Even though the city is heavy on defense the citizens of the city are nothing but happy and kind; always willing to help strangers and travelers find their way through the city. They are well known in the area for protecting anyone that is travelling to or from the city.   The current leader of Durhorn is Georgen Silverhorn, younger brother of Jorgen Silverhorn, the Master Builder of Hoofstadt. Georgen left Hoofstadt to get out from under his brother’s hoof, and make his own way. They are competitive but on friendly terms. Georgen is intent on making Durhorn as well-known and respected as Hoofstadt and will go to great lengths to achieve his goals. While he is still quite large for a Minotaur, his brother is a little bit taller and has slightly larger horns and never passes up an opportunity to remind Georgen of it.


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