Eriken Character in Aerith | World Anvil
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(pronounced Ehr-i-ken)

The Squire


 Eriken is the son of Curceon and Pristell, the first to be born of the Pinnacles. He is a god of striving perfection, and one of noble and proud service to others.  


 Be of service to others and you will find purpose. Self-improvement leads to greatness and betters not only yourself but the larger world. Be true to your ideals and never waiver.  

Major Centres of Worship: 

 Eriken has a major shrine in Essillion, on The Mount, at the bridge between the temples of Curceon and Pristell. He has no other major place of worship but there are places where small shrines might be erected.  

Relations with other gods: 

 As one might expect, Eriken has a good relationship with his parents, Curceon and Pristell. Being an Immortal Being, Eriken is unable to leave Aerith outside of magical means, but he is constantly striving to increase his status so he can become an Imperial and live in the middle plane. He works with good people and powers and is always looking for ways to be of service to others. In some cases, this puts him at odds with brutish or evil beings.  


 Eriken appears as a youthful squire, with longsword and shield, and great potential shining in his eyes. He is quick to smile, quick to show respect, and quick to act.
Divine Classification
Immortal Being (Human)


Squires, Firstborn, Self-Improvement, Striving Perfection, Service to Others


A rising sun behind a shield


Neutral Good

Typical Worshippers: 

Squires, First-born, Paladins


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