Erswetz Character in Aerith | World Anvil
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(pronounced Er-swets)

The Marsh Queen


Erswetz is the master of the swamps of Starhelm and her domains have increased recently with the joining of the swamps in the west. Her Grippli are very close to her and her to them. Family is the most important thing to her, and togetherness is what has allowed the Grippli to survive and thrive.  


Care for the land and the people and they will care for you. To treat others well is to treat yourself well. Family is important and ensures the survival of the Grippli race. Dwell not on things that you cannot change, seek acceptance in yourself and in others. Survival is worth fighting for, and dying for. Ingenuity is the greatest gift one can possess. It will turn despair into promise.  

Major Centres of Worship:

The swamps of Starhelm are the home to many shrines and praying places to Erswetz but there is no formal, permanent building to her. Bogbrook has the closest thing to a temple to Erswetz and the influence of the Humans and Elves have led to more interest in creating a permanent home for the priests and shamans in that city. Otherwise, Erswetz travels with her people and each village or city has the shaman’s hut, which can be big or small, depending on the nature of the tribe.  

Relations with other gods:

Erswetz is unique and solitary, which is odd for one who preaches family. She has always been estranged from the others, making her life in the areas that nobody else desired to travel. Her love of her people has kept her strong, but she has no real relationship with anyone else, nor does she have any animosity toward them. In the past she was jealous of the other Pinnacles, but she overcame that early on.  


Erswetz appears as a golden green and mottled Grippli with a smiling face and welcoming eyes. She has webbed hands and feet like the Treetopper Grippli, but is stout like the Toxic Grippli. She will carry a staff with her made of vines and leaves, and the topper of the staff is a cloud of insects. Her staff is called Flythumper and any time she needs to replace it the new staff is also called Flythumper.  

Other Manifestations:

Swamplight leading a lost soul out of the marshes is a sign of Erswetz’s favour or pity. The same leading someone into danger is a sign of her displeasure. Buzzing flies and insects sometimes form patterns to provide knowledge to those worthy enough to understand what they are seeing.
Divine Classification
Starhelm Grippli Pinnacle


Grippli. Swamps, Nature, Nurturing, Traps, Poison, Tracking, Family


Marsh reeds on a moss-coloured background



Typical Worshippers: 

Grippli. Swamp Druids, Poison Masters, Swamp Scouts, Trapmakers


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