Genasi Species in Aerith | World Anvil
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Genasi are created by the elemental beings often found within or around the Elemental Planes, though with interbreeding they can be found almost anywhere.    Genasi are a very unique folk and it is very rare for two Genasi to look alike outside of familial bonds. A colourful race, each subrace has certain features that are unique to them. It is often very easy to know what type of Genasi you are dealing with because of how they appear. Terran Genasi typically exhibit rough skin, hues of browns and greys, and can be stout or strong. Ignan Genasi might show hotter colours like red, orange, or yellows, with penetrating eyes. Anamaran Genasi like softer colours like whites, and are thin and wispy in stature. Aquian Genasi like blues and greens, typically with sheen of water on their skin.   Genasi exhibit relevant traits based on the nature of their heritage. Ignan Genasi tend to be excitable and passionate, while Terran Genasi are more reliable and steadfast. Anamaran Genasi are flighty and free, and Aquian Genasi are adaptable and persistent. Blending of Genasi result in blending of traits also.   The diverse and versatile nature of Genasi puts them into any region, culture, or group of people across all of Aerith. Their acceptance into those groups varies and they can adapt easily to fit in, or they may sometimes need to fight to co-exist.    The various Genasi relate differently to individuals and groups. Terran Genasi relate well to Dwarves, Gnomes, Minotaurs, while Aquian Genasi relate well to Grippli, or waterbound Humans. Equally, these same relations may result in conflict also, as the Genasi may fight for acceptance into a particular group.  

Racial Features

  Select two from the list below for each Genasi Lineage chosen:
Ignan Genasi
  • Fire Genasi
  • Steam Genasi (Fire and Water)
  • Smoke Genasi (Fire and Air)
  • Magma Genasi (Fire and Earth)
Aquian Genasi
  • Water Genasi
  • Steam Genasi (Water and Fire)
  • Cloud Genasi (Water and Air)
  • Clay Genasi (Water and Earth)
Anamaran Genasi
  • Air Genasi
  • Smoke Genasi (Air and Fire)
  • Cloud Genasi (Air and Water)
  • Dust Genasi (Air and Earth)
Terran Genasi
  • Earth Genasi
  • Magma Genasi (Earth and Fire)
  • Clay Genasi (Earth and Water)
  • Dust Genasi (Earth and Air)
Any   Region 
Any   Notable Locations 
Scar of Fire; Avandar   Subraces 
Air, Earth, Fire, Water, Steam, Magma, Smoke, Cloud, Clay, Dust   Worship 
Anamare; Aquios; Ignis; Terralin; Vuseva

Articles under Genasi


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