Gnurich Character in Aerith | World Anvil
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(pronounced Nur-rick)

The All-Knowing


 Gnurich is the ultimate sage, scholar, and scribe. He has a passion for knowledge and learning that is unmatched, with the possible exception of Janosis. Gnurich and his followers are intent on compiling and preserving information and knowledge, not just obtaining it.  


 Knowledge is to be shared and preserved. The pursuit of knowledge for its own sake is the hallmark of an advanced society. It is up to society to encourage the love of knowledge to its children and impart on them the ways of old and of new. Knowledge can be found anywhere, and sometimes in the most unlikely places. Children, elders or even animals can impart some much-needed information to those willing to see it or accept it. The idea, as a tangible and powerful force is to be revered. It is the most powerful thing the mortal mind can offer to the world.  

Major Centres of Worship: 

 Gnurich holds great power in Essillion as an information broker but he is not discriminating as to whom he gives it to. The Owl’s Rookery has the greatest collection of knowledge left in the realm, but it is nothing compared to what ancient Starhelm held or to what Forgehome maintains in its vaults. The members of the library constantly feel the loss of their precious books and scrolls when the Fractioning happened and are ever on the search to rebuild their god’s past glory. They are on good terms with Parfin’s church and will pay handsomely for stories or clues that will aid them in recovering lost knowledge. Avandarians appreciate knowledge for its own sake but they do not have the resources or the inclination to grow the church under their current government. There is a small temple to Gnurich in Avandar proper and it contains the city’s library but most of the books were destroyed after the city split from the mainland.  

Relations with other gods: 

 Gnurich and his flock have great appreciation and gratitude for Parfin. Early on in Gnurich’s life Parfin imparted some great wisdom that let Gnurich carry on with the loss of his life’s work. Parfin reminded him that the pursuit of knowledge was never lost, and that the world could be rediscovered every day. Leftis, on the other hand, is an entity that Gnurich would like to see removed. Their dogmas are diametrically opposed and the two are almost always at odds with each other.  


 Gnurich appears as a dusty librarian, complete with spectacles and quills. He is old and wizened, with a grey beard and he always looks like he is distracted, his thought on more important matters. When he finally does notice whomever he is engaged with he seems to look right through them, as if he knows things about them, they would rather not be known. He uses enchanted quills as weapons and he can throw them like darts, or wield them like daggers. He has surprised many a foe with the skill and accuracy with which he wields his unique weapons. His followers wield either daggers or darts (or both) and they typically name them their quills.  

Other Manifestations:

The sudden inspiration of an idea marks the presence of Gnurich. A book opening to the page that is needed at that exact moment shows the favour of the Librarian. He also sometimes appears as a blue, wise, old, talking owl.
Divine Classification
Imperial Being (Shard of Alucar)


Knowledge, Scholars, Scribes, Language


An open book with arcane symbols in the shape of two eyes, one on each page.


Lawful Neutral

Typical Worshippers: 

Scholars, Librarians, Sages, Scribes, Wizards, Bards of Lore


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