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Goblin Tunneler

Burrowing and tunneling are important jobs in Goblin culture. It comes with a certain amount of prestige, though not as impressive as a good military background, or exploits of plundering. While any evolution of Goblinkind can become a Tunneler, it is more typically a profession for Goblins or Hobgoblins. Bugbears and Ogres tend to have more important matters to tend to and leave the dirty work to others.   When any Goblinkind becomes a Tunnelers they retain all their racial statistics, except as noted below.  

Goblin Tunneler Stats and Features

Minimum Strength Score: A Tunneler’s strength score becomes 15 unless it's already higher. Burrowing Speed: Tunnelers gain a burrowing speed equal to half their base walking speed. Tunneler: When the Goblin moves using their burrowing speed, it leaves a tunnel equal to their height in feet rounded up.   Action: Drill Deeper - When a creature makes an attack using the tunneling drill, they can use their bonus action to drill deeper, grappling the target. A creature grappled in this way can use a free action to remove the drill and take 2D4 piercing damage. Alternatively, the grappled creature can use their action to automatically break the grapple taking no damage. While a creature is grappled attacks against that creature by the Goblin’s tunneling drill automatically hit. If Goblin attacks a different creature the grapple ends.   New Weapon: Tunneling Drill - Damage: 2D4 piercing, Weight: 15lbs., Properties: Two handed, Special (if a creature is proficient with the tunneling drill their proficiency bonus is doubled).
Goblin Tunneler
Size: Small
Alignment: Any
  Armour Class: 13 (Leather Armour)
Hit Points: 7 (2d6)
Speed:30 ft., 15ft. burrowing
  STR: 15 (+2) DEX: 14(+2) CON: 10 (+0)
INT: 10 (+0) WIS: 8 (-1) CHA: 8 (-1)
  Skills: Stealth: +6, Perception, +5
Senses: darkvision 60 ft.
Passive Perception 9
Languages: Goblin, Common
  Nimble Escape: The Goblin Tunneler can take the disengage, or hide action as a bonus action.
  Tunneler: When the Goblin Tunneler moves using their burrowing speed it leave a 3ft. diameter tunnel in its wake.
  Drill Deeper: When a creature makes an attack using the tunneling drill, they can use their bonus action to drill deeper, grappling the target. A creature grappled in this way can use a free action to remove the drill and take 2D4 piercing damage. Alternatively, the grappled creature can use their action to automatically break the grapple taking no damage.   While a creature is grappled attacks against that creature by the Goblin’s tunneling drill automatically hit. If Goblin attacks a different creature the grapple ends.   Action:
Tunneling Drill - +6 to hit 2D4+2. Short Bow - + 4 range 80/320 Hit: 1D6+2


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