Goldencrest Settlement in Aerith | World Anvil
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The Stone Dwarf city of Goldencrest was the first on Denethen’s Mantle, and at one point it was the largest. The citizens of Goldencrest are very Dwarf-proud and do whatever they can to help foster growth, security, and prosperity for all Dwarves on the continent.   When Crystalhope, the Stone Dwarf capital city of the Mantle, was at war with the northern Dao-controlled city of Boulderdwell Goldencrest sent as many Dwarf soldiers, crafters, and support staff as they could muster. After the victory over the Dao at Boulderdwell many of those same citizens stayed in the renamed city of Marblewell, shrinking Goldencrest’s population by a large amount.   Currently led by Mastercrafter Mordran Deepdelve, a miner of great skill, many of the Dwarves in the city are glass miners, or tradespeople who go out to the Spiked Shore and mine the glass. Goldencrest has a mission to make the eastern shore accessible to transcontinental travel and open up the coast again. They are aware that it will be a lengthy process so in the meantime they may as well make some profit off of the glass and prisms they create.


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