Golzect Character in Aerith | World Anvil
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(pronounced Gohl-zekt)

The Resilient


 Golzect, being the god of the Goblin race, embraces the ideals of jealousy, mistrust, rage, and resiliency. The evolution of the Goblin is fully enabled by Golzect who likes the idea of starting with little and getting stronger as you survive difficult situations.  


 Take what you need, as other’s will not share with you. Resilience and strength are your greatest assets. The survival of the individual will grow the race to be strong. The group is not as important as the individual for the group is made up of many individuals.  

Major Centres of Worship: 

 Golzect’s Throne  

Relations with other gods: 

 Golzect is jealous of everyone else’s wealth and perceived good fortune. Early on he and Erswetz shared that sentiment but she managed to evolve from that whereas Golzect basks in his rage and misfortune. Golzect will sometimes band together with Flane as it suits his needs but just as often, he will fight him if he feels he is getting mistreated. Golzect is untrusting of most beings.  


 Golzect appears as a very large Ogre in piecemeal armour that he scavenged from many kills. He wields a jagged Dragon spine as a club named Backbreaker.
Divine Classification
Imperial Being (Starhelm Goblin Pinnacle)


Goblinkind. Jealousy, Resilience, Rage, Banditry, Greed, Mistrust


Cracked humanoid skull


Chaotic Evil

Typical Worshippers: 

Goblinkind. Barbarians, Bandits, Tunnellers


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