Greegis Character in Aerith | World Anvil
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(pronounced Gree-jis)

The Voracious


Greegis is a lecherous, crafty god who is always looking for more than what he has. In his mind, everyone else around him is better off and he is always looking for ways to get more. He has no morals about how he does it and his followers follow suit.  


The ambition of the human psyche is the most powerful thing that mortals can offer to the world. Without our ambition we might as well be soulless puddles in the wave pools of time. Every great deed was performed with ambition at its heart. Power is to be sought out at every opportunity. The traits of greed and envy are the most basic and far-reaching emotions that humans can muster. One can never have enough power and once it is achieved it is the responsibility of the faithful to enjoy it as much as possible.  

Major Centres of Worship:

The majority of churches to Greegis are hidden for fear of attack. They typically do not have standard centres of worship and most priests just pray wherever they can. A few exceptions to this exist, mostly in his role as the god of merchants. Hollow’s Point has a temple to Greegis called the Emerald Coin and this is where he is most prominently worshipped openly. There is also a temple to Greegis in Avandar, where they have a church to all the Shards of Alucar with each one performing a civic duty. The one in Avandar ensures all the shops, stalls, and merchants perform up to standard, and obey all the civic laws. A high member of the Council of Avandar is a secret priest of Greegis and she influences policy that would benefit Greegis as often as possible.  

Relations with other gods:

Greegis does not typically like other beings as they all have more than he does, or so he thinks. Any friendship he has is often temporary in order to gain advantage over them. Greegis and the Tiger Maiden have a casual relationship that nobody else understands. She is the one person he will not abuse. Curceon and Greegis have a long-standing hatred for each other, and Greegis is still bitter about his defeat.  


When not disguised Greegis will take the form of a weasel-like man with claws and teeth. His hair is greasy and stringy, and he frequently twitches his nose. He enjoys striking from a hidden position and using weapons that are easily concealed. One of his favoured tactics is to leap on opponents from a position of surprise and stab them or poison them, or to use his dagger Ambition, a specialized dagger of venom, from beneath his cloak, to surprise his victims.  

Other Manifestations

Greegis likes the forms of the weasel or the rat and will often manifest as these creatures to his faithful. He might appear as a green, noxious cloud that wafts over great treasure or hidden vaults.
Divine Classification
Imperial Beings (Shard of Alucar)


Ambition, Greed, Power, Envy, Corruption, Decadence, Merchants, Trade


A black bag with green coins spilling out from it


Neutral Evil

Typical Worshippers: 

Rogues, Merchants, Affluent nobles, Corrupt bureaucrats


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