Halls of the Cleansed Soul Building / Landmark in Aerith | World Anvil
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Halls of the Cleansed Soul

The Halls of the Cleansed soul is the largest church and mausoleum on Starhelm. This church is where the most devout go to learn the ways of Morthos. Attached to the church, and the larger part of the Halls is a great mausoleum, ready to hold any who have died, regardless of their station. It holds great kings, noble merchants, and loyal followers, as well as any common folk that can make the journey. The Elders of the church hold the title of Gatekeeper, who maintain and protect the mausoleum. These are extremely devout and long-serving adherents to the ways of Morthos and have a special connection with him.   A group of dedicated monks have also tasked themselves with defending the world from the scourge known as the Brothers of the Discordant Spire. These monks have established the New Order of the Concordant Spire and are housed and trained in the Halls of the Cleansed Soul.
Temple / Religious complex


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