Hoofstadt Settlement in Aerith | World Anvil
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Hoofstadt is located in the northern section of Snakepass Chain, at the border of where Snakepass and Seaguard meet. It is a vibrant city of winding paths, incredible architecture, and some rare Minotaur gardens. There are numerous underground labyrinths that connect different parts of the city and visitors there can sometimes get lost. The entrance into Hoofstadt is through a series of hedge mazes, walled off areas, and great fortifications situated at seemingly random locations. The great gate of Hoofstadt, when closed is a puzzle of interlocking plates, strange locks, and powerful bars that keep it secure.   It is currently being ruled by Jorgen Silverhorn, a Master Builder of great renown. He comes from a long line of Master Builders and it was no surprise when he took leadership of the city. His constructs litter the city and many of them assist citizens and visitors alike with problems, minor labour, or just giving directions. He likes to encourage his people to seek out new relations to broaden their knowledge and offer their skills. He is also very protective of his home and is quick to close of Hoofstadt if it seems it would be in any danger. He is very pragmatic.


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