Hurendaal Settlement in Aerith | World Anvil
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Hurendaal is a Stone Dwarf city on the northern edge of the Havenguard chain. It is the closest city to the city of Essillion and was the Dwarvish city that officially gifted the mines to the three nobles of Essillion. Prior to the Fractioning it was the city the Humans of Essillion dealt with most frequently. With the fall of Starhelm City, Forgehome established a connection with Essillion, being the only Human city it knew. Hurendaal shifted its dealings to the more modern city of Hollow’s Point, the Goliaths of the Northguard Plains, and the Minotaurs that dwell in the northern mountains. They mostly trade in iron and stone with the occasional trade of adamantine. Although still rare, the city of Hurendaal is the most likely place for non-Dwarves to acquire Rocksteel with the closing of Forgehome’s doors to outsiders.   Durzok Vondal Morigak rules Hurendaal fairly and by its traditions. He is glad to have their sister city Mir Denkal handle the relationships of the upper world and leave his citizens to practice their crafts and trade in peace. He is not surly or unappreciative of the businesses the upper world provide but he prefers to keep his city running efficiently and effectively.


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