Interracial Offspring in Aerith | World Anvil
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Interracial Offspring

Aerith is a multicultural world, and as such children born of mixed races are not always possible. Those that are possible tend to follow the below, though variations have been known to exist.   Note: The Fallen are produced by extending their curse, which will be passed on through offspring or sometimes through other means.     Dwarves
  • Dwarves: Dwarf
  • Elves: Gnome
  • Human: Goliath
  • Halfling: Stout
  • Grippli: n/a
  • Goblins: Goblin (Str or Con increase)
  • The Fallen: Tiefling (Duergar)
  • Gnomes: Rock Gnomes
  • Goliaths: Mountain Goliath
  • Dwarves: Goliath
  • Elves: Human or Elf
  • Halfling: Tallfellow
  • Humans: Human
  • Grippli: n/a
  • Goblins: Goblin (Int or Wis)
  • The Fallen: Tiefling
  • Gnomes: n/a
  • Goliaths: Plains Goliath
  • Dwarves: Stout
  • Elves: Halfling or Elf
  • Halfling: Halfling
  • Humans: Tallfellow
  • Grippli: n/a
  • Goblins: n/a
  • The Fallen: Tiefling
  • Gnomes: n/a
  • Goliaths: Plains Goliath
  • Dwarves: n/a
  • Elves: n/a
  • Halfling: n/a
  • Humans: n/a
  • Grippli: Grippli
  • Goblins: n/a
  • The Fallen: n/a
  • Gnomes: n/a
  • Goliaths: n/a
  • Dwarves: Goblin (Str or Con increase)
  • Elves: n/a
  • Halfling: n/a
  • Humans: Goblin (Int or Wis increase)
  • Grippli: n/a
  • Goblins: Goblin
  • The Fallen: Tiefling (Folkar)
  • Gnomes: n/a
  • Goliaths: Ogrillon
  • Dwarves: Gnome
  • Elves: Elf
  • Halfling: Elf or Halfling
  • Humans: Elf or Human
  • Grippli: n/a
  • Goblins: n/a
  • The Fallen: The Fallen
  • Gnomes: Forest Gnome
  • Goliaths: n/a
The Fallen
  • Dwarves: Tiefling (Duergar)
  • Elves: The Fallen
  • Halfling: Tiefling
  • Humans: Tiefling
  • Grippli: n/a
  • Goblins: Tiefling (Folkar)
  • The Fallen: The Fallen
  • Gnomes: Tiefling (Svirfneblin)
  • Goliaths: Tiefling
  • Dwarves: Rock Gnomes
  • Elves: Forest Gnomes
  • Halfling: n/a
  • Humans: n/a
  • Grippli: n/a
  • Goblins: Tiefling (Svirfneblin)
  • The Fallen: The Fallen
  • Gnomes: Gnomes
  • Goliaths: Mountain Goliath
  • Dwarves: Mountain Goliath
  • Elves: n/a
  • Halfling: Plains Goliath
  • Humans: Plains Goliath
  • Grippli: n/a
  • Goblins: Ogrillon
  • The Fallen: Tiefling
  • Gnomes: Mountain Goliath
  • Goliaths: Goliath


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