BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Joju the Tortoise Rider

Long ago, near the southern end of the Havenguard Chain, there was a monk who lived in a temple just at the base of the mountain. He lived and worked his entire life at the temple, always eager to help any who came to visit, without a second thought.   This monk’s name was Joju and he harboured a deep desire to leave the temple and explore the world, despite the fact that Joju had lost his foot during a misadventure of his youth. Keeping true to his duties to the temple though, Joju knew nobody else could care for it and he put his personal wishes aside for the greater good.   One fateful day a stranger came upon the temple, bloodied, bruised, and holding on to life by a slender thread. Joju brought the man inside and laid him in one of the comfortable beds set aside for visitors. He watched over him, all the while praying to both Tereale and Morthos to save this man. Joju sensed the man’s spirit was not ready to depart to the Umbra and entreated them both to reconsider. In the meantime, Joju nursed the stranger back to health, trusting that the gods of mortality would soon come to a decision.   Days passed and finally the stranger’s eyes fluttered open and fell on the form of Joju caring over him. Joju gave a quick thanks to both gods and tended to the man more. ‘Thank you for saving me,’ the man croaked, through dry, cracked lips. Joju brought him a rag with clean, cool water, and placed it on his mouth. The stranger sucked the water out, wetted his lips, and took some deep cleansing breaths before continuing. ‘Where am I?’ he asked.   Joju brought the man some fresh bandages and a glass of water and began to redress the wounds. ‘You are at the Umbral Voice temple. A place to pay respect to the forces of the universe.’ Joju finished dressing the wounds and turned to leave. ‘You must rest more, before you are healthy enough. I will care for you until then.’ He turned on his heel and quietly left the stranger to sleep. The next morning Joju came back to bring his guest some breakfast, and check on his progress. The stranger was sitting up in bed, more colour in his face, and a weak smile. Joju brought him the meal and the man graciously accepted and ate heartily. ‘I see you have some of your strength back,’ Joju said as the man finished his meal. ‘Perhaps after lunch we can speak some more.’ The man nodded his assent and shortly after went back to sleep.   Lunch came and Joju repeated the process. The man graciously accepted, thanked Joju again, and ate well. This went on for a few days before Joju’s excitement finally got the best of him and he eagerly asked the man about his life beyond the temple. If Joju could not leave to explore the world, he would at least get to hear stories of it from those that get to experience it firsthand.   The man graced Joju with tales of Essillion, and the Vale, and the vast expanse of the Barrier Guard of Denethen. He shared tales of Tristan TrueArc, and the lesser known Goreif the Beastmaster. Stories of the Elves of Aspenshield, and the wondrous marvels of Stonebridge came the next day, and the awesome dangers of the Scar of Fire took the whole day after.   Joju, for his part, listened intently, asked questions at opportune times, and drank it all in. In turn, Joju shared the stories of the temple. Far less exciting than the tales of abroad, but the meaningful connection of the Umbra and the Primes that lived there was fascinating to the stranger.   This continued on for a month, before the man was fully healed and able to leave. Before he left, the man thanked Joju for his extreme kindness, and asked Joju what he could do for him. Joju just smiled and said ‘you have shown me the world, something I will not be able to see for myself. It is I that should be thanking you.’ Joju bowed low to the man and slowly turned and retreated back to the temple.   Months passed and Joju kept the thoughts and memories of his time with the stranger close. He repeated the stories, over and over, until he could recite them all as easily as any of his prayers. He dreamed of the sights that were described to him, and he woke up both happy and sad.   One day, Joju went out to do his daily chores, and in the distance he saw a group of people approaching. At first Joju was concerned, but that quickly changed to elation as he recognized the man he had helped. He was looking hearty and hale, and in his healthy condition he had a strong and commanding presence. It was obvious to Joju that the people that followed him showed him great respect.   Joju rushed out to greet the man. ‘I am so happy you have returned, and looking so well.’ He glanced at the entourage behind the man. ‘Who are these fine folk who accompany you though?’ The stranger shook Joju’s hand firmly, yet with respect, and smiled broadly. ‘When I was hurt, you helped me without thought. You shared with me the secrets of your beliefs, and you allowed me to connect in with the universe. It is a debt I cannot possibly repay…but I will try.’ He waved an outstretched hand behind him, presenting his people to Joju. ‘I am Eskander, and this is a small portion of my tribe. We are situated not too far from here, in the hills of the Vale. When you rescued me, you rescued them as well. Without their leader they were broken and lost, and without hope.’ The tribe members approached Joju one by one and all shook his hand warmly and sincerely. ‘You have done us a great service and we wish to do to same for you.’   As the last tribe member greeted Joju, the thankful monk spied a strange sight. Slowly walking up the hill, patiently making its way to the group, was a giant tortoise. Joju smiled and waited silently for the last greeter to arrive. ‘This is our friend Aldabra,’ said the tribe leader. ‘He is now your friend, and traveling companion.’ Joju had a quizzical look on his face. ‘Yes, my friend. The Stonefist tribe, will watch over, protect, and maintain your temple, while you and Aldabra can go and travel the world together. He is slow and steady, and will allow you time to truly enjoy your surroundings and the experience.’ Joju’s face beamed with happiness. Eskander continued, ‘Also, to light your way in the darkness that will come, we also gift you this magical staff. It is connected to the Umbra and with it you will always have a way to bring your temple with you.’   Aldabra finally arrived and snaked his head out under Joju’s legs, lifting him onto the hard shell of his back. Confident his temple was well looked after, Joju set off to explore the world, equipped with his staff, a few supplies, and his newfound friend.


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