Josefan Character in Aerith | World Anvil
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(pronounced Joe-se-fan)

The Lady Bride


 Josefan is a dual-aspect god who embodies emotions of love, caring, and passion. The manner in which she presents herself will dictate whether Josefan or the Tiger Maiden is at play. Josefan prefers the softer side of things, long-lasting, and meaningful, while the Tiger Maiden is about impetuous and fiery passion.  


Clerics of Josefan the Lady Bride preach love, marriage, fidelity and eventually family. Love is the grandest attainment of spiritual beings and it is what separates Humans from the beasts. It must be cultivated and respected. All things fall to love, even war. The Tiger Maiden embraces the passion and desire that is the baser side of love. They love to experience the sensual and the physical of the world and its people. One should not close themselves off from their feelings lest those same feelings take control of you. The Tiger Maiden teaches those who embrace her to relax and truly find enlightenment. The Shamans of the barbarian tribes give thanks to Josefair for her guidance and support. The life of the barbarians is difficult and without family it would be impossible. They care little for the passion and desire that The Tiger Maiden brings, and they aspire to love but it is not as important as family.  

Major Centres of Worship: 

 Essillion has a temple to Josefan the Lady Bride called The Font of Love. The Tiger Maiden has The Tiger Den Monastery located in Essillion where The Order of the Lady’s Claw trains. In Avandar they are mostly focused on The Reclamation, so they have little worship of Josefan. The Tiger Maiden has a small temple located in the city, but it also doubles as a brothel. The Shamans of the barbarian lands do not have temples or shrines to Josefair, but they spread her word about the importance of family throughout the tribe and beyond.  

Relations with other gods: 

Josefan and the Tiger Maiden both have great relationships with most people, with the exception of Bruges. His crass and overbearing nature does not sit well with her and she will do her best to avoid him at all costs. She has a passionate relationship with Dranaden that is casual but meaningful. Surprisingly, she also maintains one with Greegis, one of the few who give that god any companionship.  


 Josefan the Lady Bride appears as a beautiful maiden with long red tresses braided with flowers. Her head is adorned with a tiara made of daisies and she wears a pure white dress that never dirties. Josefan rarely fights but she has a special blowgun that she calls Sweet Kiss when the need arises. The Tiger Maiden has long jet-black hair and she always wears red. Her attire shows off her attributes quite well and she plays it up as much as she can. While the Tiger Maiden sometimes uses weapons, she prefers to use her body as her weapon.  

Other Manifestations:

A broken mirror may signify Josefan’s displeasure. She sometimes appears as a dove in her aspect as Josefan, but a red tiger is her favoured form when she is lusty or seeking pleasure.
Divine Classification
Imperial Being (Shard of Alucar)


Love, Marriage, Family, Passion, Desire, Jealousy


A white heart with two hands holding each other across the heart.


Chaotic Good

Typical Worshippers: 

Bards, Monks, Rogues, Carousers, Matchmakers, Courtesans


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