Kaladrak Goldstone Character in Aerith | World Anvil
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Kaladrak Goldstone

The Durzok of clan Goldstone is a 4’10”, 250-pound, no-nonsense Dwarf, sporting a long black beard. Like most dwarves he takes a lot of pride in his beard, and he often has it braided with many rings, gems, and coins from around the world. As the head of the Goldstone clan, he has been raised with a military mindset, treating every conversation like a game of chess. To the Goldstone Clan, one must anticipate your opponent’s needs; think 10 or 12 moves ahead; keep everything close to the vest; and there is always a winner. These attributes make him quite good at leading, and making sure he gets what is best for him, his clan, and Forgehome. However, once he gets drunk, he becomes a totally different Dwarf. Kaladrak becomes the most kind, carefree, and open person in all of Aerith, which is why he rarely drinks. His wife Auhilde, is a kind woman who cares for all children in the city who have lost their parents. She and Kaladrak also have 5 children. His eldest son is helping him maintain the clan and oversee the military of the city, but his youngest daughter does not care for the clan at all. While she would rather travel the world then deal with the city that feels like a prison to her, she is dutiful and reluctantly stays to do her part.
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